8 Verbs to Use for the Word publican

"I ask you, honest Joe, if you think the slaver, in the outer harbour of this port, a true man?" "You come across one, Bob, in your bold way, with such startling questions," returned the publican, casting his eyes obliquely around him, as if he would fain make sure of the character of the audience to which he spoke, "such stirring opinions, that really I am often non-plushed to know how to get the ideas together, to make a saving answer.

This hath been the devil's practice, and his infernal ministers in all ages; not as our Saviour by a few silly fishermen, to confound the wisdom of the world, to save publicans and sinners, but to make advantage of their ignorance, to convert them and their associates; and that they may better effect what they intend, they begin, as I say, with poor, stupid, illiterate persons.

"Game as a pairtridge!" cried the publican, as he looked at the hard-set face.

Not merely to paywhich the very publicans in our Lord's time didbut to give, generously, liberally; lending, if we can afford it, as our Lord bids us, hoping for nothing again; and remembering that he who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord, and whatsoever he layeth out, it shall be repaid him again.

After this we read of Jesus calling Matthew the publican, who was a tax-gatherer.

"Seems to me t' red-headed wench may do him more harm than good, after all," remarked the publican.

So he picked "publicans-and sinners" to eat with.

good lad!" croaked the publican.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  publican