8 Verbs to Use for the Word quartet

Individually and collectively Lanyard accounted that quartet uncommonly clever, resourceful, audacious, unscrupulous, and potentially ruthless, utterly callous to compunctions when their interests were jeopardised.

Their voices were horrific, and one that had fathered a quartet of ducksan angry tourist had killed the drake because of his quackingwas a vrai Chantecler.

Do you know the last quartet that Beethoven wrote?

Don't lend out my Quartet any more, because I have made many changes in it.

"Marysville, North Carolina." As Roy concluded the reading the quartet of merry youngsters exchanged delighted glances.

You will receive the quartet at the same time as the other works.

And the shower of splinters, sucked in by the whirl of the train, broke glass in the private car and sprinkled the quartet on the platform with split kindling and wreckage.

I have only just learnt how to write quartets properly, as you will see when you receive them.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  quartet