31 Verbs to Use for the Word questioner

To give an answer which will satisfy the questioner is a common trait in Peru as well as in many other parts of the world.

"Did we come for the view alone?" Leith grinned as he surveyed the questioner.

" "Did your friend say anything about Hades Ranch?" continued the questioner.

One deckhand, an idle fellow to whom Hagan was very civil, told his questioner quite a lot of interesting details about the Navy ships, great and small, which could be seen upon the building slips.

Dr. Orwin pursed his lips and regarded his questioner narrowly.

The character of a free-thinking exquisite is drawn from life without exaggeration, but with more than a touch of the bitter contempt Addison felt for the atheistic coxcomb, with whom he was too ready to confound the sincere questioner of orthodox opinion.

"I don't kyah wad de whole worl' thing aboud 'im!" "Mais, anny'ow, tell me fo' wad you cryne!" Clotilde gazed aside for a moment and then confronted her questioner consentingly.

" He got tired of his cigar at last, and went out into the shop, where he began to question Mr. Tulliver as to the extent and value of the stock-in-trade, and upon other details of the business; to all of which inquiries the shopman replied in a suspicious and grudging spirit, giving his questioner the smallest possible amount of information.

" "Then it is as I feared," groaned her questioner, smiting his forehead.

This quotation has done good service in the mouth of more than one Under Secretary of State for War, heading off tiresome questioners in the British House of Commons.

She disdained to satisfy so insolent a questioner, and even indulged herself in certain oblique hints calculated to strengthen his suspicions.

" Of a sudden he drew back, inspecting his impassive questioner doubtfully, almost unbelievingly.

What yer going to do with us?" I thought I located the questioner among the jumbled mass below, and with my eyes on him, answered for all his mates.

Question or priest or sage, and they Seem, in the answer you receive, To mock the questioner.

This must have surprised Miss Caroline as much as it rejoiced her, for she took up the matter with Clem, and in so clumsy a fashion that he, perhaps owing to his enfeebled condition, witlessly made a confession at variance with mine, and with an effect of candor that moved his questioner to take his word rather than that of an officer and a gentleman.

" "Rather a common name, if you have to hunt for him," observed the questioner, musingly.

These answers puzzled the questioners, and they did not know what more to say; as they stood silent the other girl got up and went away remarking, "While I have been waiting here, I might have carded a seer of cotton."

We refer the questioner to the law of Harmony,that mysterious power, which is only apprehended by its imperative effect.

"Is he a man or is he a wolf?" repeated the questioner.

"A man trades here at this corner, with his wife, eh?" "Everyone trades here," replied the lad, scanning his questioner from head to foot.

His contemporaries generally saw in him an imperturbable and troublesome questioner, fatally sure to come at the secret of every man's character and credence, whom no subterfuge could elude, no compliments flatter, no menaces appall,suspected also of some emancipation from the popular superstitions: this is the account of him which they are able to give.

" He had meant the price to be prohibitive, and it did shock the questioner, opulent though he was.

Bobby described an arc with her oar that incidentally showered the questioner with shining water drops.

Byron himself says it has no plot, but he kept teasing his questioners with mysterious hints, e.g. "It was the Staubbach and the Jungfrau, and something else more than Faustus, which made me write Manfred;" and of one of his critics he says to Murray, "It had a better origin than he can devise or divine, for the soul of him."

He turned upon his questioner.

31 Verbs to Use for the Word  questioner