5 Verbs to Use for the Word quiz

GILMARTIN, IRENE M. Vocabulary quiz based on Webster's students dictionary.

"There are some who meet the quiz gallantly enough," David Fulham remarked.

Now let him miss the German quiz, and fail to pass astronomy, To football lore what's physics or political economy?

How long must a sheep actually measure to come under the denomination of a long sheep?" Mr. Brydon, who, in the simplicity of his heart, neither perceived the quiz nor the reproof, fell to answer with great sincerity,"It's the woo, sirit's the woo that makes the difference.

The lovely Zebra, Asia's painted ass, 'Stead of a den, and bed of straw possessor, Down to old Cambridge should have had a pass, To fill the office of some wise professor; Then, had he shown each antiquated quiz, His Zebra auricles were long as his.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  quiz