32 Verbs to Use for the Word quo

recombination; combination &c 48. barter &c 794; tit for tat &c (retaliation) 718; cross fire, battledore and shuttlecock; quid pro quo.

For many years French ambitions in Morocco had been held in check by the British desire to maintain the status quo.

All the Balkan Sovereigns and Ministers whom he had seen had expressed themselves sympathetically and favorably and had agreed to accept the status quo.

" "Still, she'll expect a quid pro quo," persisted Tommy.

In the first place the question is raised by means of an information or inquiry called a quo warranto.

Access to media technology empowers those same people to discuss how they might want to change the status quo.

It may be 'tis his own fault, and he hath no reason to complain, 'tis quid pro quo, she is bad, he is worse: "Bethink thyself, hast thou not done as much for some of thy neighbours?

"'It is natural for man to hate those whom he has wronged,' said Tacitus, confirming the quos laeserunt et oderunt of Seneca.

All these form the body of ascertainable facts which constitute the status quo of the living creature.

Alii dubitant an daemon possit morbus curare quos non fecit, alii negant, sed quotidiana experientia confirmat, magos magno multorum stupore morbos curare, singulas corporis parte citra impedimentum permeare, et mediis nobis ignotis curare.

So far from admitting that a due north line from the monument will not intersect the highlands intended by the treaty of 1783, the State of Maine has always insisted, and still insists, that no known obstacle exists to the ascertaining and accurately defining them, and thus establishing the terminus a quo, to wit, the northwest angle of Nova Scotia.

Surely the admission of the Americans into the St. Lawrence would be a great boon to them, and we ought to exact a quid pro quo.

Nations with slowly growing populations, and still possessed of ample territories to maintain their accustomed standards of life, naturally favor the status quo, and are pacifist or nonmilitarist.

Neither capital nor labour will abide by "scraps of paper" if they do not feel the status quo (i.e. the conditions under which wage-contracts are made) to be equitable and inherently just.]

They used to present methe diplomats didwith what they called their Minimum, and then we (I mean Codfish Pasha and me) had to draft in return our Maximumsee?and then we all had to get together again and frame a status quo.

Read it carefully, my boy, and remember that in order to gain a certain status quo certain antecedents areare absolutely necessary, Peter.

[Sidenote: The Gossips Rebuked] Octavia did not join in it, but read the papers, and when they got round to Mrs. Murray-Hartley again, and this time simply clawed her to pieces, Octavia looked up and said in a downright way, "Oh! come, we need none of us have known this woman unless we liked, and we are all getting the quid pro quo out of her, so for goodness' sake let us leave her alone."

Tunc misit pro Christianis quos in carcere intrudi praeceperat: A quibus cum ad eum venissent indulgentiam petijt pro facto suo, dicens se esse amodo socium eorum, et confratrem: Praecepit autem et legem statuit, quòd pro tempore suo, si quis aliquem Christianum offenderet, statim moreretur, et sic omnes illaesos, et indemnes abire permisit: Pro illis autem quatuor fratribus interfectis quatuor mosquetas.

She aimed at overthrowing the present status quo in the Balkans, and establishing her own hegemony there.

In 1872 he brought about a friendly understanding with Austria and Russia, the other two great Powers of Eastern Europe, the so-called Dreikaiserbündnis, which was designed to perpetuate the status quo.

It is true that in Cyprus, as in Krete, there is a considerable Greek-speaking minority of Moslems who prefer the status quo; but, since the barrier of language is absent, their antipathy to union may not prove permanent.

Civilizations expect the individuals and groups of which they are composed to preserve the status quo, work as disciplined members of an effective team and be satisfied with the outcome.

They presuppose a status quo which is not simply maintained, like that after 1815, because it is a legal fact and its disturbance would be inconvenient to the existing rulers, but because it is inherently equitable.

They do not give a quid without receiving a quo every way as valuable.

Refraenate monopolii licentiam, pauciores alantur otio, redintegretur agricolatio, lanificium instauretur, ut sit honestum negotium quo se exerceat otiosa illa turba.

32 Verbs to Use for the Word  quo