526 Verbs to Use for the Word races

Mary ran races with the black children.

They seemed determined to win the race by fair means or foul.

He told everybody that he wasn't going to catch cold in his knees, even if he lost the race, and that he was perfectly willing to run the risk of accidents.

Twenty years from now a league including cities of the Philippines, China and Japan, is by no means out of the question, and it may be that the introduction of Base Ball into all three countries will result in a better understanding between the peoples and perhaps bring all three races to a better frame of mind as relates to their personal ambitions and rivalries.

"And he rode that race when he was drugged!

It passes from a reflection on "the dreary fuimus of all things here" to the advice But "carpe diem," Juan, "carpe, carpe!" To-morrow sees another race as gay And transient, and devour'd by the same harpy.

Come, sweete, you and I Shall from our loynes produce a race of Kings, And ploughing up false gods set up one true; Christians unborne crowning both me and you With praise as now with gold.

One of the three which began the race under leaders retained from the previous year changed horses in mid-stream.

This is sina contrariness of thingswhich makes the world an evil place to live in, instead of a good; which wrecks character and states, eats the hearts out of cultures and civilizations, destroys strong races, leaves a stain upon even the youngest child, and which is constantly drawing the race downward, instead of upward.

They attended horse-races and cock-fights, almost always with some money on the outcome, and frequently with a horse or cock entered in the races or the pittings.

In Germany we find a race of elves, somewhat like the dwarfs, popularly known as the Wood or Moss people.

The Boy, a little concerned as to possible reprisals upon so impudent a young woman, had gone on and on, watching the race down to the river, and even across the ice a little way.

[B.C. 35 (a. u. 719)] Caesar held a horse-race in honor of the event, and set up for Antony a chariot in front of the rostra and images in the temple of Concord, giving him also authority to hold banquets there with his wife and children, this being similar to the decree that had once been passed in his own honor.

"Hold you," cried the stranger, and laid hands on my arm; but I shook him off violently, and continued the race.

Little inducement existed to replace by marriage the ravages caused by death, for few men wished to propagate a race which divine wrath seemed to have marked for persecution.

Thinking is the power to take up life where the race has left off attainment, and to lead the race one step farther on, by a new concept or idea.

It is highly spoken of, both as regards flesh and flavour; and it is said to be the only hybrid which is able to perpetuate its race.

I felt inclined to sing instead a song, written by a soldier who was wounded in France: "The Bishop tells us, 'when the boys come back They will not be the same; for they'll have fought In a just cause: they led the last attack On Anti-Christ; their comrades' blood has bought New right to breed an honourable race.

It requires the spirit of our great Master to tell a man his faults, and so risk human displeasure, for the sake of doing right and benefiting our race.

"Some were appointed to poison the waters so that malarias and fevers should attack the now hated race.

Obviously no race of men, save the race to which habits of self-government and the skilful use of political representation had come to be as second nature, could ever have succeeded in founding such a system.

Not, says the plain man, that we are more satisfied with the mere philanthropist of modern times,the man who professes to love the whole human race without loving God, or indeed often believing that there is a God to love.

The sub, with all on board, was again on its way to enter the race for the Pole.

You would strike him as personally capable, but you would fail to strike him as priestess of the idea which God has now called to life within man's bosom, and of the struggle towards the realisation of that ideaeducation by developmentthe destined means of raising the whole human race....

They sought their fortunes in other lands: and so was exterminated a race of yeomen, who might have been at this day a source of strength and honour, not only to the colonies, but to England herself.

526 Verbs to Use for the Word  races