8 Verbs to Use for the Word radiation

Exercise increases the flow of blood through the small vessels of the skin, and thus increases the radiation of heat from the surface.

Certain people, certain human atmospheres, certain wandering forces, thoughts, desires eventhe radiations of certain combinations of colour, and above all, the vibrations of certain kinds of music, will suddenly throw me into a state of what I can only describe as an intense and terrific inner vibrationand behold I am off!

She felt the fresh, cool radiation from outlying, upturned fields, the faint, sad odors from dim stretches of pricking grain and quickening leaf, and wondered if at Los Cuervos it might be possible to reproduce the peculiar verdure of her native district.

"Radium receives its energy from, and responds to, radiations which traverse all spaceas piano strings respond to sounds in unison with their notes.

With the lead-glass bowl removed, the X-ray tube sent forth its wonderful invisible radiation and made the back of the fluoroscope glow with light.

Now, as it is admitted that our dense atmosphere, however dry and clear, absorbs and reflects some considerable portion of the solar heat, we shall certainly underestimate the radiation from the moon's surface during its long night if we take as the basis of our calculation a lowering of temperature amounting to 100° F. during twelve hours, as not unfrequently occurs with us.

no longer absorbs the radiations corresponding to the region of the spectrum where the band question appeared.

But the determination of temperature which uninterrupted solar radiation is capable of transmitting to the polygonal reflector calls for a correct knowledge of atmospheric absorption.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  radiation