25 Verbs to Use for the Word rafters

Wherewith would he bind the rafters of his hut to the beams, or tether the cow, or let down the bucket into the well?

The fire was burning high and clear, lighting rafters and their curious brown tassels of smoked meat, and making the crucifix over the bed shine out the whitest spot in a smoke-stained room.

Some of the small bungalows are very neatly fitted up with boarded ceilings, a great improvement upon the cloth which conceals the rafters in those of Bengal; others, however, are canopied with cloth, and some there are which appear more like summer-houses than habitations intended for Europeans throughout the year, being destitute of glass windows, and open to all the winds of heaven.

All his efforts to discover the third rafter were entirely unavailing.

" So saying, he began wading about in the snow, to see if he could find any more rafters.

The farmer asked Jonas if he had got all the rafters.

These set to work with axe and hatchet, tearing off the tiles and hacking down rafters, while their comrades in the houses hewed away at floors and staircases.

And now she bore its weight aloof, To hide it where one ghastly birch Held up the rafters of the roof, And grim old pine-trees formed a church.

The glass within the windows was shivered; the stone bars split asunder; and the seats and other woodwork withinside catching fire, the flames ascended to the roof, and kindled its massive rafters.

The outer circuit was covered as a lean-to, quite round this inner appartment, laying long rafters from the thirty-two angles to the top posts of the inner house, about twenty-feet distant, so that there was a space like a wall between the outer and inner wall, near twenty feet in breadth.

* FALSTAFF 'Twas in a tavern that with old age stooped And leaned rheumatic rafters o'er his head A blowzed, prodigious man, which talked, and stared, And rolled, as if with purpose, a small eye Like a sweet Cupid in a cask of wine.

The farmer said that the storm was coming on sooner than he had expected, and he believed that they should have to leave the rafters where they were.

I never look at the place without feeling an involuntary sensation of horrorthe smoky and dirty nooksthe distant groups of dark Spaniards, Moors, and Jews, their sallow countenances made yellow by the fight of dim oil lampsthe unceiled rafters of the rooms above, seen through unshuttered windows and the consciousness of their having covered the atrocious Soto, combine this effect upon me.

It eddied in clouds of dead and whirling leaves, and sent big torn branches flying aloft; it took the house by the four corners and shook it to loosening the rafters, and I felt the chair rock under me; it rumbled down the chimney as if it would tear the life out of us.

So he came up to see why I lingered, and found me mounted on a ladder peering up at the old mission bells and the hand-hewn rafters tied with ropes of plaited rawhide.

cried little Dotty, with an eager shriek, which pierced the rafters.

We plant the rafters, the shingles, the floors, We plant the studding, the laths, the doors, The beams and siding, all parts that be We plant the house when we plant the tree.

The houses of the inhabitants are round holes dug in the ground, from the brink of which they raise rafters, or piles, shelving towards the middle, where they all meet, and are crammed together; they lie upon rushes, with the fire in the midst, and let the smoke fly out at the door.

CHEVRON, in heraldry an ordinary of two bands forming an angle descending to the extremities of the shield; representing the two rafters of a house, meeting at the top.

Jonas reserved four or five rafters, which he left upon the sled.

Half the boards, fallen from the ceiling, revealed the bare rafters above; below there were ragged holes in the flooring.

The last of his recorded practical jokes is his rolling about cannon balls, and shaking the rafters, to frighten Parry in the room below with the dread of an earthquake.

One shell through the door-step, another in the chimney, a third shattering a rafter, a fourth carrying away the legs of a chair in which an officer was seated; others severing and splintering the posts in front of the house, howling through the trees by which the dwelling was surrounded, and raising deep furrows in the soft earth.

They, moreover, built over the joists with small bricks as high as the protection of the plutei and vineae permitted them; and on that place they laid two beams across, angle-ways, at a small distance from the outer walls, to support the rafters which were to cover the turret, and on the beams they laid joists across in a direct line, and on these they fastened down planks.

So he and Josey went to work, and threw off the rafters, as fast as they could.

25 Verbs to Use for the Word  rafters