8 Verbs to Use for the Word ragtime

The hotel orchestra, playing ragtime in deafening concord, made Lulu's wedding march.

In spite of the bans which musicians and music teachers have placed upon it, the people still demand and enjoy ragtime.

American musicians, instead of investigating ragtime, attempt to ignore it, or dismiss it with a contemptuous word.

"Don't you like ragtime?" he put it to her directly.

By mastering ragtime I gained several things: first of all, I gained the title of professor.

The spirit of ragtime is not confined to music: graft is the ragtime of business, the spoils system the ragtime of politics, adulteration the ragtime of manufacture.

The spirit of ragtime is not confined to music: graft is the ragtime of business, the spoils system the ragtime of politics, adulteration the ragtime of manufacture.

I had been turning classic music into ragtime, a comparatively easy task; and this man had taken ragtime and made it classic.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  ragtime