19 Verbs to Use for the Word raise

You remember the next January when you got your raise to fifty

Each word they uttered gave raise to feelings of suspicion on the part of those who they addressed, and if they were silent, their silence was set down as wrong.

"Tell her, if she wants a raise," he concluded heartily, "and can't pinch enough out of my kitchen and the two dollars I pay hertell her to come to me, straight out, and I'll give her more, and she can pinch more.

Dey ain' na'er a man in dis settlement w'at won' tell you ole Julius McAdoo 'uz bawn en raise' on dis yer same plantation.

"Yet, whilest the Fates affoord me vitall breath, I will it spend in speaking of thy praise, 310 And sing to thee, untill that timelie death By heavens doome doo ende my earthlie daies: Thereto doo thou my humble spirite raise,

They soon came within sight of the Sirens, who sang in Ulysses' hearing: Come here, thou, worthy of a world of praise, That dost so high the Grecian glory raise; Ulysses!

On they went, a slow, deliberate journey, steam hissing, black smoke curling, whistles tooting, wheels crunching, as the rotary bucked the bigger drifts and the smaller ploughs eliminated the slighter raises, a triumphant procession toward that thing which Martin knew he could attack with all the seeming ferocity of desperation and yet failthe fifty-foot thickness of Bander Cut.

"But honoring gratitude its column raise, To bear inscriptions of deserved praise; And when through age the record is obscure, A nobler let posterity procure.

As a result of the organization formed they obtained a very material raise in wages, the better allotment of work in the slack season and the taking up of all disputed questions between the manufacturers and the union.

When I used to bring my reports to him, formerly, he always praised me, and it is to him that I owe my raise to the rank of Head Forester.

She promised everyone a raise in wages as soon as the change of ownership of the estate was recorded and improvements made.

I did my work faithfully, and received a raise of salary before I expected it.

While wits and templars every sentence raise, And wonder with a foolish face of praise.'

-"While shame, thou looking on, Shame to be overcome or overreach'd, Would utmost vigor raise.

But vulgar hands may vulgar likeness raise; This is the least attendant on thy praise: From hence the rudiments of art began; A coal, or chalk, first imitated man: Perhaps the shadow, taken on a wall, 30 Gave outlines to the rude original; Ere canvas yet was strain'd, before the grace Of blended colours found their use and place, Or cypress tablets first received a face.

But can these whims a higher gusto raise Unless you eat the plumage that you praise?

Verse so design'd, on that high subject wrote, Is the perfection of an ardent thought; The smoke which we from burning incense raise, 19 When we complete the sacrifice of praise.

Who envies none whom chance doth raise, Or vice: who never understood How deepest wounds are given with praise; Nor rules of state, but rules of good.

How it seemed to the Callenders in particular was a point no one dared raise where he was.

19 Verbs to Use for the Word  raise