7 Verbs to Use for the Word ransome

Away with me then, The time draws on, I must remove so insolent a Suitor, And if he be so rich, make him pay ransome

In mine owne honour, Fredericke, I command Thou set a ransome on Valentia.

Our Generall yet shewd himselfe right noble in offering ransome for poore Captive Pike. Sec.

The 11. of October they agreede vppon a ransome of 2000.

Why should you, who can so easily procure your ransome, think yourself in danger of perpetual captivity?

Maist thou be happie In thy faire choice; for thou art temperate: You owe no ransome to the state, know that; I have a thousand joyes to tell you of, Which yet I dare not utter, till I pay My thankes to Heaven for um: will you goe With me, and helpe me; pray you doe.

Do not be disconsolate: I am not one of the lawless and cruel rovers of the desert; I know the rules of civil life: I will fix your ransome, give a passport to your messenger, and perform my stipulation, with nice punctuality.'

7 Verbs to Use for the Word  ransome