6 Verbs to Use for the Word rashers

Fried rashers of bacon, curled, serve as a pretty garnish to many dishes; and, for small families, answer very well as a substitute for boiled bacon, to serve with a small dish of poultry, &c. BROILED RASHERS OF BACON (a Breakfast Dish).

Zounds, fool not me, for I cannot brook such a cold rasher, I can tell you.

'What is it?' asked the bookbinder, who was eating his fourth large rasher, and spoke with his mouth full.

Instead of one Latin equivalent for a pudding, it is of moment to record that there are now three: nor should we overlook the rasher and the sausage.

And he said: "The rasher, mother, But with the egg upon it, prithee".

He awoke before it was dawn, but when he dragged himself from his tepee, moving quietly not to awaken his boy, he found John Aldous on his knees before a small fire, slicing thin rashers of bacon into a frying-pan.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  rashers