19 Verbs to Use for the Word reassurances

And she would be won upon and softened by the words; when in reality they were only the outcry of the famished heart which needed some reassurance that its sacrifices had not been all in vain.

They had the nervous jumps at every little noise or unexpected movement; and even the natural explanation of these phenomena gave them very little reassurance.

Her tone was the tone of one seeking reassurance.

When the soldier did tell her this, Jessie smiled back her reassurance.

He did not want analysis; he wanted reassurance.

She knew everybody, and, though in daily contact with most of them, there were no end of whispered confidences to exchange and tender reassurances in ratification of some new compact.

My wishes prompted comforting answers and I lay and stared at the sky, trying to find reassurance.

A senator or a lawyer, used to coolness in debate, or to presiding over great meetings, or to facing crowds, who happened to visit the trenches could have got reassurance from the faces of any one of these private soldiers, who had been trained not to worry about death till death came.

She shook her head resolutely, and was not seen in her chair on deck again until the captain not only reassured her, but guaranteed his reassurance.

Her aunt motioned a reassurance.

He nodded reassurance, and Crossman's dark face cleared of its brooding.

She calculated that he would get the letter by mid-day, and by one o'clock she could receive his replyhis reassurance of love.

She gave an uncertain laugh, and looked up at Ralph as though entreating him to return the reassurance she had given him.

She was a little alarmed by his white face and sunken eyes; but she accepted his reassurances without questionshe would have disbelieved anything which did not fit in with her plans.

Arnold dropped on the bench, waving her a speechless reassurance.

she begged reassurance.

Its dismantled condition brought to her a half-scared but wholly happy reassurance that Anthony March was really here.

I saw the tragi-comic parade go by, as I leaned against a supporting tree: the advance guard of clamorous urchins, the rail-bearers, the white-faced figure of Plooie, jolted aloft, bleeding but calm, self-forgetful, and still calling out reassurances to his wife; the jostling rabble, and upon the edge of it a frantic woman, clawing, sobbing, imploring.

" Madame Delphine looked up into the speaker's strangely kind and patient eyes, and drew sweet reassurance from them.

19 Verbs to Use for the Word  reassurances