26 Verbs to Use for the Word rebuffs

"But them if we rate, or with rudeness repel, Though some will be passive enough, From others who're more independent 'tis well If we meet not a stinging rebuff.

A coxcomb of the first water, Sir Timothy receives a sharp rebuff when he opens his suit, and accordingly he challenges Bellmour, but fails to appear at the place of meeting.

CHAPTER XIV A Bearding of the Lion Susie Rushford was of that temperament which, so far from avoiding difficulties, rather rushes to meet them, welcoming "each rebuff that turns earth's smoothness rough," to quote again from her favourite poet.

She did not remain long after what she was pleased to consider a rebuff.

Our defeats in the war of 1812 have been greatly exaggerated; but, all the same, they did constitute rebuffs to our naval self-esteem which were highly significant in themselves, and deserve deep attention.

Livingston encountered rebuff after rebuff, and delay after delay.

Had we been ten times as experienced or certain of our aim we should not have expected such rebuffs.

Both sexes thronged to the stores, eager to supply themselves with groceries and garments; but there they experienced a wholesome rebuff, for which some of them were not entirely unprepared.

But it is not the millionaire who set me thinking; it is the harassed man of business; and what I am wondering is, whether, in sober truth and earnestness, it is possible for him, as he shuts his library door and finds himself inside, to forget his rebuffs and anxietieshis maturing bills and overdue argosiesand to lose himself over a favourite volume.

I'll hand you a cold rebuff in the ribs in a minute.

But she would not heed rebuffs now.

Fearing that this movement indicated a receding confidence Mrs. Conyers ignored the rebuff and pressed her inquiry in a new, entirely practical, and pleasant tone: "What is the meaning of all this, Isabel?" Isabel turned upon her again a silent, searching, wretched look of appeal.

It is sheer madness to puff and praise your hobby, and to invite Dick, Tom, and Harry to inspect your stable: such conduct is to invite rebuff, to expose yourself to just animadversion.

He had cravenly rebuffed her, and she had borne the rebuff in silence.

He did not mind rebuffs and was so indifferent to indignities that people had ceased to offer them.

"You seem to be unaware, my dear Jarvis, that in offering a rude rebuff to Mr. Strong you offended me, since he is my good friend and came to see you at my request.

The year 923 witnessed a solemn reconciliation between Rome and Constantinople; the Greeks were clever enough to prevent the Roman legates visiting Bulgaria on their return journey, and thereby administered a rebuff to Simeon, who was anxious to see them and enter into direct relations with Rome.

So far from resenting the rebuff, the fellow plucked my sleeve, and I saw at a glance that he had not even listened to my too elaborate sarcasm.

Something was wanting to a perfect confidence between us, and I was in too sensitive a frame of mind to risk the slightest rebuff.

Joel Rae saw it; saw that the time had come for a miracle if the little company of Saints was to be saved a serious rebuff.

Jim sensed the rebuff in his tone and went back to the door, around which a knot of men engaged in desultory conjectures while they waited expectantly.

With her coming Hugh's expansiveness had suffered a sudden rebuff.

He took all rebuffs with resignation, and could generally muster a smile soon after.

It was easy enough to rebuff him, the easier as his physical proximity always roused in her a vague instinct of resistance; but it was hard so to temper the rebuff with promise that the game of suspense should still delude him.

Looking back, the old woman saw that he was walking slowly behind them, evidently watching them closely, yet not in a way sufficiently obtrusive to warrant an open rebuff.

26 Verbs to Use for the Word  rebuffs