118 Verbs to Use for the Word receipts

His reply to this overture was to show her a letter which he had written to Lady Byron from Pisa, but never forwarded, of the tone of which the following extracts must be a sufficient indication:"I have to acknowledge the receipt of Ada's hair....

Nixon took the money, gave a receipt for it, and had nothing more to say.

"I've signed one receipt for this stuff alreadyyou'll have to sign another.

We will send the first Ten Numbers of PUNCHINELLO to any one | | who wishes to see them, in view of subscribing, on the | | receipt of SIXTY CENTS.

It was like taking a receipt for one's soul from Satan!!

I could recite such another example of mine own knowledge, of a friend of mine, that finding a receipt in Brassivola, would needs take hellebore in substance, and try it on his own person; but had not some of his familiars come to visit him by chance, he had by his indiscretion hazarded himself: many such I have observed.

" "Ask them into the drawing-room when they call, my dear; or, better still, dont pay them, so that they will have no need to write a receipt.

The money handed to him for expenses had proved sufficient, and whenever the other desired it, he could produce receipts for his various disbursements.

An eminent house-painter in the city, a governor of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, got a receipt for the Painter's Cholic (cholica pictonum,) which contained all sorts of comfortable thingsthe chief ingredients being Cogniac brandy and spices.

The ryot stood aghast with surprise, but invoked Allah to witness that he had paid up every pice, adding that he held Dákhilas (rent receipts) from Bara Babu (the elder brother) which would prove his assertion.

Of course he sent abundant interest to everybody, though apologizing to the gentlemen among the lot for doing so, but telling them frankly that it would relieve him if they accepted the proper sum for the use of the money, saying nothing about it; while of the mean ones he demanded prompt receipts in full.

This section does not expressly give the Secretary power to direct that any particular notes shall be received for lands or for duties, but it forbids the receipt of any paper currency other than such bank notes as are described in the section; and it requires the Secretary to adopt measures, in his discretion, to effectuate that prohibition.

" It read as follows: Receipts, $250,505; expenditures, $246,447.

He possesses the complete confidence of the British labor force, and indeed the Hindu immigrants, who deposit money at the Consulate, will hardly wait to obtain receipts for it.

He will try to forge receipts, he will get up false evidence that he has already paid, and the wretched putwarrie needs all his native and acquired sharpness, to hold his own.

"He took them unconcernedly and brought her a receipt the same evening bearing his uncle's signature.

It costs 1 to 2 cents to have a package, parcel, umbrella or satchel deposited into one of these, and then the depositor receives a receipt or check for his luggage, which he must present when he wishes to have it again.

Did he hand you any receipt for them?" "A receipt which I've got here," answered the Princess, tapping her hand-bag.

I am uneasy respecting the enclosed receipts which you sent me and are dated Jan. 1827.

The explanation of the strange phenomenon is that for a series of years the evaporation exceeds the water receipts, the level of the lake steadily falls, and the valley of the Lukuga becomes choked with grass; then a period follows when the water receipts exceed the evaporation, and the waters rise, burst through the barriers of vegetation in the Lukuga, and are carried to the Congo once more.

We believe the Hukeem was aided in his researches by a big book supposed to contain medical receipts, but which was in reality a box of surveying instruments, its outside covered with cabalistic signs bearing a family resemblance to a plane-table!

The third and last section allows the receipt, as heretofore, of land scrip and Treasury certificates for public lands, and forbids the Secretary of the Treasury to make any discrimination in the funds receivable (other than such as results from the receipt of land scrip or Treasury certificates) between the different branches of the public revenue.

Accordingly, half-hour guns will be fired from sunrise to sunset at every garrisoned military post the day succeeding the receipt of this order, the national flag will be displayed at half-staff during the same time, and officers of the Army will wear for three months the proper badge of military mourning.

That the Secretary of the Treasury can not direct the receipt of any notes except such as are issued by banks which conform to the first section of the law and such as will be passed by the proper deposit bank to the credit of the United States as cash.

We are exceeding our limits, else we should have added several other pithy receipts, almost worthy of her who made the noted one against the creaking of a door"rub a bit of soft soap on the hinges."

118 Verbs to Use for the Word  receipts