57 Verbs to Use for the Word recipe

I have followed the animal from his birth to his appearance on the table; have described the manner of feeding him, and of slaying him, the position of his various joints, and, after giving the recipes, have described the modes of carving Meat, Poultry, and Game.

This recipe was taken from the directions of a lady whose pickle was always pronounced excellent by all who tasted it, and who has, for many years, exactly followed the recipe given above.

For her New Year's dinner party she had decided to try the most complicated recipe of all, and, moreover, intended to surprise everybody with it.

RECIPE FOR SALAD.The Rev. Sydney Smith, the witty canon of St. Paul's, who thought that an enjoyment of the good things of this earth was compatible with aspirations for things higher, wrote the following excellent recipe for salad, which we should advise our readers not to pass by without a trial, when the hot weather invites to a dish of cold lamb.

Presumably also she had wearied of the work, let the book lie, and coming to it later, turned it upside down and started with a more useful purpose: for three pages at the end contained several household recipes in the same writing grown severer, including "Garland Wine (Mrs. Massiter's Way)" and "A good Cottage Pie for a Pore Person.

Walter Lippmann (A); 9Mar62; R292415. LIPTON (THOMAS J.) INC. Serving tea; tested recipes and novel suggestions.

In sending the recipe for insertion in this work, he has, however, Anglicised, and somewhat, he thinks, improved it.

In the culinary department of a newspaper we find a recipe for making "bird's nest pudding," which would surely make the pigtail of a JOHN Chinaman stick straight up on end.

Cook the haricots as in preceding recipe.

If I were asked to furnish a recipe for one of these professional story-tellers, these spinners of childish narratives, I should suggest one measure of pure literary taste, two of gesture and illustration, three of dramatic fire, and four of ready speech and clear expression.

I got the recipe from a friend many years ago, and can recommend it as a way in which the fresh flavour of the fruit is preserved to perfection.

I know no better recipe than the one adopted by my trainers in the art of shibar, the brothers S. I cannot do better than give a description of the process in the words of George himself.

He read me the recipe, while I compounded it.

I have therefore sold myself into the Prussian service, and in return for a cast-off suit of the Emperor's clothes (the uniform of an English midshipman), a German hausfrau's recipe for poison gas, two penny cigars, and twenty-five Iron Crosses, I have consented to instruct you in the rudiments of international controversy.

She had been to the library and copied a recipe for curry and the name of the recommended wine.

pie Baked apple loaf Custard puddings Importance of slow cooking Best utensils for cooking Custard desserts in cups To stir beaten eggs into heated milk To flavor custards and custard puddings Recipes: Apple custard Apple custard

The simplest dessert General suggestions Importance of good material Preparation of dried fruit for dessert Molded desserts Suggestions for flavoring: To prepare almond paste Cocoanut flavor Orange and lemon flavor To color sugar Fruit desserts Recipes: Apple dessert Apple meringue dessert.

Some one, after detailing an elaborate recipe for a salad, wound up the enumeration of ingredients and quantities with the advice to "open the window and throw it all away."

So, while Mrs. Gorman dictated the recipe, I dutifully wrote it down.

" There are innumerable books of recipes for cooking, but unless the cook is master of the principles of his art, and unless he knows the why and the wherefore of its processes, he cannot choose a recipe intelligently and execute it successfully.

For I fear, or rather I hope, that most of us are not capable of carrying out Talleyrand's recipe for perfect happiness on earthnamely, a hard heart and a good digestion.

CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS To make éclairs spread the batter, prepared as in foregoing recipe, in long ovals and when done cover with plain or chocolate frosting, as follows: Boil one cup of brown sugar with one-half cup of molasses, one tablespoon of butter and two tablespoons of flour.

She had personally known three quacks who made half a million apiece out of patent medicines; and one woman who had turned a common recipe for removing superfluous hair into an eligible establishment in Thirty-second street, and a country cottage, with sixteen acres under good cultivation.

It is not good proportion to undertake a difficult and complicated recipe for the first time, when you are expecting guests.

Essie Wohlgemuth over in the cake-demonstrating department is going to bring me the recipe.

57 Verbs to Use for the Word  recipe