12 Verbs to Use for the Word recorder

How to play the recorder.

Hakluyt is the pioneer of the literature of English discovery and adventureat once the recorder and inspirer of noble effort.

They had appointed a Recorder, now they must organize a Court.

The governing corporation consisted of the mayor, the recorder, the town-clerk, six aldermen, and six assistants.

" By McGinty's advice, the strangers called a secret meeting, and elected McGinty recorder.

Though the reader will easily discover the unpoetical flatness of the above lines, yet they shew a great thirst after natural knowledge, and we have reason to believe, that much might have been attained, and many new discoveries made, by so diligent an enquirer, and so faithful a recorder of physical operations.

This glorious company would include no doubt, not only the recorders of great thoughts, or performers of great deeds, which are still borne in memory although the names of the authors are forgotten, but also many whose work is as totally unknown as their names, but who exerted nevertheless a bright and elevating ascendant over other minds, and who thus conduced to the greatness of human-kind.

Stepping in, he sealed the airlock and pulled out a small recorder.

"You can turn off the tape recorder.

some had made to call thus, and found them unable to wake the recorders which lay in the central Watch-Dome; for there had been tampering.

The motion of the wire was then made to actuate the recorder through a hinged lever, and this arrangement holds, but days and even weeks have been lost in grappling the difficulties of adjustment between the limits of the tide and those of the recording drum; then when all seemed well we found that the floe was not rising uniformly with the water.

So the weak current of the ether waves, aided by the stronger current of the local circuit, worked the recorder and wrote the message down.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  recorder