6 Verbs to Use for the Word rede

In ploughman phrase, 'God send you speed,' Still daily to grow wiser; And may you better reck the rede, Than ever did th' adviser!

"Go, traitor, go," answered John: "you will need to learn good rede or some infamous trick to escape from me."

"'But 'tis not there that Scotland's heart Shall rest by God's decree, Till the great angel calls the dead To rise from earth and sea! "'Lord James of Douglas, mark my rede!

They think that their Werowances and priests which they also esteeme quiyough-cosughs, when they are deade doe goe beyond the mountains towards the setting of the sun, and ever remain there in form of their Okee, with their bedes paynted rede with oyle and pocones, finely trimmed with feathers, and shall have beads, hatchets, copper, and tobacco, doing nothing but dance and sing with all their predecessors.

" "Aye, my lord, 'tis so I think, indeed!" "Pray thee therefore rede and expound it unto me!" "Nay, time mayhap shall teach it thee, and thou, methinks shalt passionately desire again the solitude of this wilderness.

" These I found quaintly summed up in an old rhyme: "With a red man read thy rede, With a brown man break thy bread, On a pale man draw thy knife, From a black man keep thy wife.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  rede