12 Verbs to Use for the Word relate

24 For thee, who, mindful of the unhonour'd dead, Dost in those lines their artless tale relate, If chance, by lonely Contemplation led, Some kindred spirit shall inquire thy fate, 25 Haply some hoary-headed swain may say, 'Oft have we seen him, at the peep of dawn, Brushing with hasty steps the dews away, To meet the sun upon the upland lawn.

Thus, in the sentence, 'He desires to improve,' the verb to improve relates to the pronoun he while it is governed by desires."Ib., p. 150.

The main characteristics in which they may differ relate to (1) the element of compulsion, (2) contributions by the insured, (3) the nature of the insurance organization.

holy, joyous time, The boast of many an age gone by, And yet methinks unsung in rhyme, Though dear to bards of chivalry; Nor less of old to Church and State, As authors erudite relate.

I confine myself exclusively to these two branches of the resolution, because the portions of it which follow relate to alleged abuses in post-offices, navy-yards, public buildings, and other public works of the United States.

The first example given relates to the Chinooks of Washington Territory, and may be found in Swan.[80] In this instance old Cartumhays, and old Mahar, a celebrated doctor, were the chief mourners, probably from being the smartest scamps among the relatives.

The true difficulty is that Church discipline is attached to an Establishment by this world's law, not to the form itself established: and his objections from paragraph 5 to paragraph 10 relate to particular abuses, not to Episcopacy itself.

El pastor, convencido por las muestras de interés con que me disponía á escuchar su relate, de que yo no era uno de esos señores de la ciudad, dispuesto á tratar de majaderías su historia, levantó la mano en dirección á uno de los picachos de la cumbre, y comenzó así, señalándome una de las rocas que se destacaba obscura é imponente sobre el fondo gris del cielo, que el sol, al ponerse tras las nubes, teñía de algunos cambiantes rojizos.

So far, then, the instructions he has received relate to his own condition in society as a member of the great social compact, and to his means of becoming, by a knowledge of the arts of practical life, a necessary and useful member of that society.

But, Gentlemen, however interesting it may be to refer to the past and to dwell upon the present, the most important questions which we have to answer relate to the future, and the most important of all in my opinion is thisto what agency are we henceforward to look if we would desire to extend as widely as possible, to all parts of India, the benefit of this potent instrument of modern civilisation?

Nine-tenths of the work they have undertaken relates to children, the school, and the home.

there being not a single distinguished writer present, except Mr. Lockhart, and he evidently cutting the whole affair,so far I mean as relates to taking any part in the (mis)management of it.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  relate