36 Verbs to Use for the Word respiration

" The Bravo ceased to adjust the disguise of his companion, and the profound stillness which succeeded his remark proved so painful to Antonio, that he felt like one reprieved from suffocation, when he heard the deep respiration that announced the relief of his companion.

Then, ashy of lip and cheek, she took hold of Brown and, lashing her memory to help her in the emergency, performed for that inanimate gentleman the rudiments of an exercise which, if done properly, is supposed to induce artificial respiration.

The sea went down as suddenly as the power which had raised, it vanished; and, by the time the broad golden light of the sun was shed fairly and fully upon the unstable element, it lay unruffled and polished, though still gently heaving in swells so long and heavy as to resemble the placid respiration of a sleeping infant.

The prisoner has suspended his respiration.

These fishes, which are provided with peculiar organisms to facilitate respiration, at any rate, enabling them to remain for some considerable time on dry land, are in the wet season so numerous in the ditches, ponds, and rice-fields, that they can be killed with a stick.

Nitrogen gas, on the contrary, while alone, will not support either respiration or combustion; mixed, however, with oxygen, it dilutes it, and in the most happy manner fits it for reception into the lungs.]

He took out his watch, and I knew he was counting her respirations.

It was long after her accents had ceased to fall on his ear, that he drew a deep respiration, and once again opened his lips to speak.

It is quite injurious to free respiration.

Hence, we have normal, oppressive, spasmodic, superior, sibilant, rattling, intermittent, crackling, and hiccoughing respiration.

He undressed the child with his own hands, rubbed her dry, and did every thing to initiate respiration.

shall it be within benefit of clergy to delay the king's message on the high road?to interrupt the great respirations, ebb or flood, of the national intercourseto endanger the safety of tidings, running day and night between all nations and languages?

Hence, in opium poisoning, special attention should be paid to keeping up the respiration.

Hence, in a vessel containing water-plants in a state of healthy growth, the plants exhale more oxygen than they absorb, and thus replace that which the fishes require for maintaining healthy respiration.

Leave it alone!" Ulysses thrilled upon feeling the contact of her firm, curving bosom and noting her respiration, her warm breath charged with distant perfume.

The thick smoke which issues from these torches, in a narrow subterranean passage, hurts the eyes and obstructs the respiration.

We place respiration and silence under the same head because of their affinity, for respiration may often be accounted silence.

If respiration ceases, or becomes exceedingly slow, practice artificial respiration.

In the experiments made by Mr. John Hunter, to discover the use of this general diffusion of air through the bodies of birds, he found that it prevents their respiration from being stopped or interrupted by the rapidity of their motion through a resisting medium.

If, after using one of the above methods, evidence of recovery appears, such as an occasional gasp or muscular movement, the efforts to produce artificial respiration must not be discontinued, but kept up until respiration is fully established.

The hurried circulation produced by intoxicants involves in turn quickened respiration, which means more rapid exhaustion of the life forces.

The only difference in this respect is, that the whale can go longer without renewing his respiration than all purely land-animals, though he must come up to breathe at intervals, or die.

Door in this is ajar at rise of curtain, and through this door BRADFORD and TONY, life-savers, are seen bending over a man's body, attempting to restore respiration.

He only retains respiration, and digestion; so that all motions that might wear out his strength are suspended, and all such as are proper to recruit and renew it go on freely of themselves.

The first and most important thing is to start artificial respiration without delay.

36 Verbs to Use for the Word  respiration