123 Verbs to Use for the Word response

It is difficult to think of a teacher of young children who is not religious, i.e. whose conduct is not definitely permeated by her spiritual life: young children are essentially religious, and the life of the spirit must find a response in the same kind of intangible assumption of its existence as goodness.

The man looked at it, pointed to a closed door, and Jack, receiving no response to his knock, entered.

To the call for labor-power British women gave instant response.

Rosa cried, understanding now why Vincent's letter and her own had not brought a response.

The leader had asked for answers to the question "Why did I come to the Institute?" getting several responses of the conventional sort.

"If these questions cannot be answered by the learned and the wise, if science makes no response, and philosophy furnishes no solution of them, who dare say that the world is not, even now, entering upon a new era of progress, taking another step in the forward movement?

In this way many an initial difficulty would be overcome, and the reading, with simple explanation, of stories from the Gospels would elicit the response, "The words are good," and the request for the gift of a New Testament.

She heard her father's deep voice, full and earnest, and she heard Dorn's quick, passionate response.

" This speech apparently met a response in the two children's hearts.

It is occupied chiefly with elementary passions and emotions,love and hate, joy and sorrow, fear and faith,which are an essential part of our human nature; and the more it reflects these emotions the more surely does it awaken a response in men of every race.

Nevertheless, Hobhouse was able to obtain from him numerous and interesting responses to novel situations, some of which may be safely accepted as evidences of ideation of a fairly high order.

his voice was terrible, demanded a response, ravened among them.

As it is, coming fresh from Chester, and accustomed to hear congregations, in that city and in the country round, reading the responses aloud throughout the service with earnestness, and reverence, I was painfully struck by the silence in this church.

The impulse has called out a response suited to that emergency.

The normal method is to repeat the whole response, then say the versicle, and then the second portion of the response; then the Gloria Patri el Filio et Spiritui Sancto, without the Sicut erat, is said, and the response repeated.

His mother disliked the phrase, but had waited till the change should be made spontaneously to "Dear Mother," which instantly evoked the response, "Dear Sammy,-I am much better pleased with the beginning of your letter than with that you used to send me, for I do not love distance or ceremony; there is more of love and tenderness in the name of mother than in all the complimentary titles in the world...

Other authors say that the word is derived from the ancient practice of chanting twice or in repetition the complete responses and versicles.

"Since this disease is caused by an internal parasite, it is natural to expect certain responses to its presence.

Dion Cassius explains the manner in which the oracle of Nymphoea, in Epirus, delivered its responses.

He caused a letter to be written to Jack, addressing it to his regiment, in care of the War Department, and waited patiently the response.

" Then hand in hand, the Duchess and my Beltane knelt together, and because he had no ring, needs must she give to him one of hers; so were they wed. As one that dreamed, Beltane knelt there murmuring the responses, and thus knelt he so long that he started to feel a soft touch upon his cheek, and looking up, behold!

In the pauses of his delivery, failing to draw response from Sam, he glanced down at his wife for approval.

A knock on the front door failed to produce any response.

That every step of glorious liberty, Fall upon flowers throughout the happy land; But never came response, Eurydice, The flowers were dumb, O lost Eurydice!

A paved walk led up to the front door, but that had an unused look, and, gaining no response there, we walked through a shrubbery around the side of the house, and as we turned the corner came on what was evidently the real entrance, facing a sunny slope of garden where hyacinths and violets told of the coming of spring.

123 Verbs to Use for the Word  response