50 Verbs to Use for the Word retribution

" "Yes," she said passionately, "everything disobedient I have done has brought lightning retribution.

In Philip's scornful refusal to allow Henry to swear obedience, "saving his honour and the dignity of his kingdom," the zealots of the day saw a just retribution.

If he has been led to expect natural retributions, he will have a wholesome fear of putting his hand in the fire, since he knows the inevitable consequences.

It would not make us less resolved to do all that we can to better the lot of those who are suffering insult and torture, and to exact full retribution from the enemy.

Success has come to Ben because he deserved it, and well-merited retribution to Tom Davenport.

I have been reading history to see,you do not know how much I have been reading,and I find that freemen have always freed themselves, as we must do; and as they will never let us do, because they know that with freedom must come retribution; that our Southern tyrants have an account to render, which the cold Northerner has no heart to see him pay.

But even he could not escape a retribution, in spite of his exalted position and his great services.

These men, then, only found the just retribution of t

Slavery, as we see in the case of Sparta and many other nations, always involves its own retribution.

He was a professor of that religion which will pour upon the willing slaveholder the retribution due to his sin.

We deposed its monarch, we committed a great immorality and a great crime, and we have reaped an almost instantaneous retribution in the most gigantic and sanguinary revolt which probably any nation ever made against its conquerors.

He suffered, to all appearance, a righteous retribution for his early passion for military glory.

There is manifest satisfaction and a high zest, and something of the morally awful and solemnly remonstrative, in the way in which the past is evoked to visit its ghostly retribution upon us.

Was it not true that the cause of a hapless people had become entangled with the lightnings of heaven, and dragged down retribution upon the land?

She has earned that retribution.

He had not yet emerged from the eternity of the past, to grapple with the present, or encounter the retributions of the eternity which is to come.

He never anticipated such a retribution.

As he strolled homeward along a stately avenue, wondering what he could do to avert the retribution that moved toward the Downeys, and finding that his assistant city-editor's resourcefulness availed him naught, he heard the scamper of feet behind him and whirled about with cane upraised in time to bring a snarling chow dog to a stand.

Otherwise no planter would have printed such descriptions of scars and brands as were fairly common in the newspaper advertisements offering rewards for the recapture of absconders.[20] When severity went to an excess that was reckoned as positive cruelty, however, the law might be invoked if white witnesses could be had; or the white neighbors or the slaves themselves might apply extra-legal retribution.

Here I saw them that same afternoon; nor can it be said that I or the others who viewed the lifeless remains felt any pity in our hearts for the wretches on whom had fallen a most righteous retribution for their crimes.

Those who fancy that retribution comes after death would demand that Napoleon should by unutterable torments pay the penalty for all the numberless calamities that he caused.

He fears no retribution now, no punishment for his crimes, no hand stronger than his own.

Ay, Heaven heard,the God whom he ignored,and sent a retribution as signal and as prompt and as awful as his victories had been overwhelming.

He was not called to foretell the retribution which would surely be inflicted on degenerate and idolatrous nations, nor even to declare those impressive truths which should instruct all future generations.

"The Indians regarded the whites as intruders, and maddened by some acts of injustice and oppression committed by the early settlers, they conceived a deadly hatred, which the whites returned with equal intensity; and for each crime committed by either of them, the opposite party inflicted a retribution more terrible than the act which provoked it, and the Indian, being less powerful, but equally wicked, was the victim.

50 Verbs to Use for the Word  retribution