23 Verbs to Use for the Word reversals

" He had already pledged himself to take the necessary steps to procure the reversal of his outlawry; and, in pursuance of his promise, he surrendered in the Court of King's Bench.

I doubt whether the Supreme Court has ever recovered from the shock it then received, and, considered from this point of view, the careless attitude of the American people toward General Grant's administration, when in 1871 it obtained the reversal of Hepburn v. Griswold by appointments to the bench, assumes a sombre aspect.

Let it be remembered what it is, the narrative and the justification of a great conversion; of a change involving an entire reversal of views, judgments, approvals, and condemnations; a change which, with all ordinary men, involves a reversal, at least as great, of their sympathies and aversions, of what they tolerate and speak kindly of.

If an Alien law is passed, it will bring both logically and historically in its wake such protective measures as will constitute a reversal of our present Free Trade policy.

He delivered this shameless reversal of a passionately asserted opinion without a quiver.

The quick increase of suns at the end of spring sometimes overtakes birds in their nesting and effects a reversal of the ordinary manner of incubation.

Certainly such a proposition seems scarcely reasonable, for its admission would entail the reversal of what are called the sound notions of logic!

But this, I think, we may safely say: the dramatist is fortunate who finds in the development of his theme, without unnatural strain or too much preparation, opportunity for a great scene, highly-wrought, arresting, absorbing, wherein one or more of his characters shall experience a marked reversal either of inward soul-state or of outward fortune.

How shall we explain this strange reversal?

The free-silver advocates got what they desired, a reversal of the movement of general prices, through an occurrence for which no political party could claim the credit.

The essential feature of this valve gear is that movement for the valve is produced by a combination of two motions at right angles to each other; and by the various proportions in which these are combined, and by the positions in which the moving parts are set with regard to each other, it gives both the reversal of motion and the various degrees of expansion required.

When we arrive at the IVth dynasty we find that, so far from any practice of mutilation or burning of the body being common, every text assumes that the body is to be buried whole; this fact indicates a reversal of the custom of mutilation, or burning, which must have been in use, however, for a considerable time.

In these ways, then, compromise may mean, not acquiescence in an instalment, on the ground that the time is not ripe to yield us more than an instalment, but either the acceptance of the instalment as final, followed by the virtual abandonment of hope and effort; or else it may mean a mistaken reversal of direction, which augments the distance that has ultimately to be traversed.

It was a longing to find security in the certainty of his self-control, a desire to drift, and let him be responsible, to let him control the irresponsibility within her, the unwisdom, the delicate audacity, latent, mischievous, that needed a reversal of the role of protector and protected to blossom deliciously into the coquetry that she had never dared.

The eye follows the finger as it would follow a pistol; this occasions a reversal of the head proportional to that of the hand.

It is unnecessary to recall the awful "reversal of fortune" that overtook one of the most brilliant of modern dramatists.

no crises such as to require a reversal of the poles of it, and a spiritual new birth, with crucifixion of the old nature, and hence it is easily divisible, as it has been divided throughout, into the three natural periods of growth, activity, and death.

would not place himself in opposition to the opinion of the people of Central Italy, that the petty monarchs of that country were not restored to their thrones, and that they became subjects of Victor Emanuel; and the voting in Sicily and Naples has confirmed the decision of arms, and made it imperative on the reactionists to attack the people, should their policy lead them to seek a reversal of the decrees of 1860.

Each individual element suffering reversal to take its proper place in the new world-order!

" Of course Alec could not allow such a reversal of the natural order of things, and he announced the fact with firmness mixed with irritation.

Capitolinus at any rate underwent a great reversal, both in his character and in his fortune.

This caused a reversal of the former positions of advantage and disadvantage on the part of debtor and creditor respectively.

he said, rising numbly to his feet and rubbing his eyes with his fists, while he tried to comprehend an astonishing reversal of custom.

23 Verbs to Use for the Word  reversals