76 Verbs to Use for the Word rhythm

One of the numbers contains, I know, "Forgotten Pages;" I will translate word for word, preserving the very rhythm, one or two of these miniature marvels of diction: FORGOTTEN PAGES

One falls into it and follows it as he would follow the rhythm of a march.

Thus as he sat upon the soft grass, with his wife at his side, bent over her bead work, he was singing a dance song, and beat lightly the rhythm with his slender hands.

In reading poetry, be careful that the pupils, while giving the rhythm of the lines, do not fall into the singsong tone so common and so disagreeable.

It so happened that the Greek theatre did not possess a curtain, and did possess a Chorus; consequently, the Greek dramatist employed the Chorus, as we employ the curtain, to emphasize the successive stages of his action, to mark the rhythm of its progress, and, incidentally, to provide resting-places for the mind of the audienceintervals during which the strain upon their attention was relaxed, or at any rate varied.

" These things, which the Greeks call [Greek: antitheta], as in them contraries are opposed to contraries, of sheer necessity produce oratorical rhythm; and that too without any intention on the part of the orator that they should do so.

Many Europeans must have succumbed quickly to the heat and the lash, for the wall-builders were obliged to make each stroke in time with their neighbors, and were bastinadoed mercilessly if they broke the rhythm; and there is little doubt that the expert artisans of France, Italy and Spain were even dearer to the old architectural madman than the friendship of the palace-building despot across the sea.

He kept an impersonal rhythm, driving her into the bed with each stroke, holding his grip on her hair.

The melody of verse was a province unoccupied, and Waller, forming his rhythm upon the modulation of Fairfax, and other poets of the maiden reign, exhibited in his very first poem striking marks of attention to the suavity of numbers.

240 studies of practical modern jazz, rumba, and fox trot rhythms for snare drum, bass drum, Cuban instruments, and Chinese temple blocks.

Hey, Joe, how d'ya spell rhythm?

" Fourth Proposition:The characteristic of the Roman Breviary hymns is to express with lively sentiments and with unction the noble ideas and beautiful sentiments of the supernatural order, in a simple manner, without prosodical pretension, yet having ever a true rhythm which sometimes vies with better compositions.

"I thanked him for his information and set out along the road at an easy pace; but when I had gone a little way, I lengthened my stride so as to increase my speed without altering the rhythm of my footfalls.

To make it carry even beyond an ordinary cry he interrupted its rhythm by shaking the palm of his hand before his mouth.

Even the crowd flowing down State Street must have caught the rhythm of it, for the room soon filled.

"Love in a Valley" is a beautiful poem, and the "Nuptials of Attila," I read it in the New Quarterly Review years ago, is very present in my mind, and it is a pleasure to recall its chanting rhythm, and lordly and sombre refrain"Make the bed for Attila."

Music, for instance, uses both rhythm and harmony, dancing uses rhythm alone, and poetry uses language alone.

In such a sense, indeed, there is materia amorofica in music, for with music one canor at least one didshow forth the very rhythm of Tristanic desire, and another portrayed in unexpurgated harmonies the garden-mood of Faust and Marguerite.

And it may easily be understood that there is more difficulty in discovering the rhythm in an oration than in verses.

Coffee often disturbs the rhythm of the heart and causes palpitation.

He stood with one hand touching the table, the tips of his fingers drumming the rhythm of a song he hummed to himself.

The credit system greatly enhances the rhythm of price.

Aristotle by this does not, as might seem, exclude rhythm and harmony from poetry.

(Excuse the rhythm into which I may now and then drop as the plot develops.

And this she did while the Ford executed a little jazz rhythm of its own outside.

76 Verbs to Use for the Word  rhythm