14 Verbs to Use for the Word rhythmically

It is not to be denied, that we have much difficulty in reading them rhythmically, according to their stated feet and scansion; and so we should have, in reading our own language rhythmically, in any similar succession of feet.

With his hands clasped round one of his knees he was rocking slowly backwards and forwards; and I noticed, in the lamplight, that his jaw muscles were contracting rhythmically, like the gills of a fish.

When he fights he has learnt that his fighting men shall march in rhythm and deploy rhythmically, and they do so to regimental music.

There was a chorus of sounds from the cataract, the river, the wind, the trees, and the birds, a mighty music of elements of the earth and of life, rising and falling rhythmically, and inspiring, but nerve-racking.

Hurled against each other, flung rhythmically from side to side, they shared the blind trouble of the man and the torment of the mare.

Its nostrils widened and narrowed rhythmically and it snored at intervals.

For the rest, his fists were clenched, his ears quivering, and the muscles of his jaw rotating rhythmically, as if he were making an early supper off something.

For when like is referred to like, or contrary opposed to contrary, or when words which sound alike are compared to other words, whatever sentence is wound up in that manner must usually sound rhythmically.

After a little he spoke more rhythmically.

Her body swayed rhythmically, but she just did not take up the swing of the votive African dance that is as old as Africa.

From beneath the full skirt peeped a little slippered foot, which tapped the floor rhythmically as the chair rocked to and fro.

It was a fast boatthe Record, which prided itself on outdistancing its contemporaries in other directions, would of course try to do so in thisand when she got fairly into her stride, with her engines throbbing rhythmically, the shore on either hand slipped past us rapidly.

There was no longer any doubt that the stranger was answering his question rhythmically.

The shrubbery was trembling rhythmically under the breeze.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  rhythmically