13 Verbs to Use for the Word rungs

He reached up, grasped the bamboo rungs, hoisted with an acrobatic wrench, and began to climb cautiously.

The crosspieces in the back of the chair formed rungs on which he climbed up to the top shelf.

You did not take to pieces all the chairs?" "Certainly not; but we did betterwe examined the rungs of every chair in the hotel, and, indeed, the jointings of every description of furniture, by the aid of a most powerful microscope.

It is quite another matter if one's object is success in political life, where favor, friends and connections are all-important, in order to mount by their aid step by step on the ladder of promotion, and perhaps gain the topmost rung.

But I'm only telling you because" Sheila hit the rung of her chair with an impatient foot.

He and Madera watched Gene descend the ladder and jump the last few rungs to the pad.

I had examined it by day and seen that it would be impossible for a strong man to climb up this very high ladder, which was rotten and lacked many rungs.

It will also be noted that very soon after making his appearance in the House of Commons he quickly got his foot on the ladder and rapidly mounted the rungs that lead to pre-eminence, and in a very few years attained the position of Cabinet Minister.

The bridle bells rang merrily As he rode down to Camelot; And from his blazon'd baldric slung A mighty silver bugle hung, And as he rode his armor rung, Beside remote Shalott.

A "tortoise" hung Before my eyes, and in my ears scaled "alligators" rung.

Indeed, there is a universal, ferocious rush, each seeking to push the others aside so that he may the more speedily climb a rung of the social ladder.

He would trust a ledge as well as he would trust the rung of a ladder.

It constitutes the first rungs on the ladder of psychic development.

13 Verbs to Use for the Word  rungs