108 Verbs to Use for the Word salvation

In the nineties each of these parts was set to work out its own salvation under its own provincial constitution.

"Who seek the salvation of this wretched world.

We saw our Salvation in his Presence.' CHAPTER V BELEAGUERMENT 1775-1776 When Carleton finally turned at bay within the walls of Quebec the British flag waved over less than a single one out of the more than a million square miles that had so recently been included within the boundaries of Canada.

Possibly in the conviction that she is fighting for a worthy object (the ending of militarism), and in the determination (if sincerely carried out) of once more playing her part in the world as the protector of small nations, Britain may find her salvation, and a cause which will save her soul.

" She rang for Ferdinand; together they instructed him, and he went away, promising to bring salvation in some shape.

Her aunt spoke seriously to her of the necessity of obtaining salvation while she could, and the poor girl became more downcast than ever.

I believe it will prove her salvation.

I could not suffer my care for Elspeth to prevent a work whose issue might mean the salvation of Virginia.

[x]: he was put in possession of Normandy and Maine, and Robert, providing himself with a magnificent train, set out for the Holy Land, in pursuit of glory, and in full confidence of securing his eternal salvation.

Nothing more is necessary to ensure their salvation" (Life of St. Joseph Cupertino by Bernini).

It struck me as a rare example (even where examples are numerous) of a man utterly misplaced, that this enormous scholar, great in the classic tongues, and inevitably converting his own simplest vernacular into a learned language, should have been set up in this homely pulpit, and ordained to preach salvation to a rustic audience, to whom it is difficult to imagine how he could ever have spoken one available word.

His text was, 'How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?'

The father, much to the queen's annoyance, declined the honour, and Madame Guyon, in after years, considered that perhaps she owed her salvation to his judicious refusal.

In one of the said articles they express their belief in being "honest, true, chaste, temperate, benevolent, virtuous, and upright," and further on they come down with a crash upon idle and lazy persons, by saying that they can be neither Christians nor enjoy salvation.

The Lord made him as well as you; and died for him as well as for you; and wills his salvation as well as yours; and if you cheat him the Lord will avenge him speedily.

* * * Though I saw, as it were, his hand lifted up to destroy me, yet from that same hand would I expect salvation.

She felt her need, she was conscious of sin, and yet the more she strove to attain salvation the further she seemed removed from it.

There, dismounting, he addressed the people, bidding them be of good cheer, and giving them thanks for their joyous welcome: "Ye people, show your joy by giving your neighbours the salvation of peace; send portions to the poor; bind close the ties of kinship, and offer up your prayers whilst others sleep.

When the people need salvation Doth he come to lead the nation.... Then doth Nature show her plan When the world has founda man!

The apostle, therefore, because he did desire the salvation of the souls of the Corinthians, to whom he writes this epistle, layeth them down in these words such counsel, which if taken, would be for their help and advantage.

" It is impossible for those who have definitely accepted Christ's salvation, and who truly realise His love to perishing sinners, to be idlers in His vineyard.

Eight Gospel absurdities if a born-again soul ever loses salvation.

As you value your intellectual salvation, then, go slowly in making the first impression and be sure it is right.

Who will merit salvation?

"And so, father, you are of opinion that if I stamp out heresy in this fashion I shall assure my own salvation in the next world?"

108 Verbs to Use for the Word  salvation