5 Verbs to Use for the Word salvo

The great guns and boarders having been exercised for their entertainment, the commissioners, with their numerous attendants, left for the Powhatan, the Macedonian firing a salvo in their honor as they took their departure.

Why the truth is, he will be hard put to it to find a salvo for his Honour.

He and his supporters maintained their "line abreast" and discharged their salvoes of salutes to the Chair with faultless precision.

On this innocent phrase the eye of M. Clemenceau fell the other day, and he now flings off a characteristic three-and-a-half-column front-page salvo so adroitly combining the premier's remark with the actual, pitiful facts that the reader almost feels that "intensifying" the suffering of parents and friends of men fighting for their country is something in which the present government takes delight.

At that the sluices of heaven were opened, and heaven's artillery thundered its salvoes to the flare of the reckless storm.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  salvo