166 Verbs to Use for the Word saving

A careful inquiry into clothing shows a trifling fall of price for articles of the same quality, while the introduction of cheaper qualities has enabled workers to effect some saving here.

Moreover, La Couteau explained that she would not have to pay the office charges, which would mean a saving of forty-five francs, though, perhaps, madame would not forget all the trouble which she, La Couteau, had taken.

"I'm asking for justice and he is obliged to give it to me." Drawn on by fatality, and as if he had put into play in the lawsuit the whole future of himself and his children, he went on spending his savings to pay lawyers, notaries, and solicitors, not to mention the officials and clerks who exploited his ignorance and his needs.

In other words, it may not result in any "creation of capital"; it may not represent any saving on the part of the community as a whole.

It is the union of these functions which distinguishes them as an essentially different type from the salaried manager who has invested his savings in rubber or in oil.

John never left her save to bring cold water to slake her burning thirst, or prepare some remedy to check the ravages of the fever.

She seemed to have forgotten that he existed save when, from time to time, she suggested that he put this or that record on the graphophone.

I can place this saving to no other account, than that there is now an exact account kept by all produce being paid as cash to the bond-slaves; and also as all our watchmen are obliged to pay for all losses that happen on their watch, they have found it their interest to look well to their charge; and consequently that we have had much less stolen from us than before this new government took place.

"Chase, if you don't get your blooming cruiser here before long, we'll be as little worth the saving as old man Skaggs, up there in his open-work grave," Deppingham was saying as he threw himself wearily into a chair in the breakfast room.

They the man who had taken the savings of the poor, and him against such schemes thereafter.

Such an arrangement would have produced a considerable saving by the reduction of the establishments kept up at those places, at which the court only spent a few days in each year.

The money collected is deposited in the hands of their chief; to this is added the savings of the whole year.

On one occasion, shortly after the dismemberment of his little Court, the monarch of France having refused to join a hunting-party organized by the Queen-mother, found himself entirely deserted save by De Luynes and a single valet; and overcome by mortification and melancholy, he leant his head upon his hand and wept bitterly.

Just as he was stepping into the travelling-carriage, a letter was handed him, saying that the firm in Prague, with which he had deposited all his savings and those of Caroline, was about to go into bankruptcy.

Exiled as I was in a foreign land, I seldom spoke English save with Hutcheson, the Consul, and even then we generally spoke Italian if there were others present, in order that our companions should understand.

They rarely saw her save when she went to or returned from church; a small, rather tired-looking, dark quadroone of very good features and a gentle thoughtfulness of expression which would take long to describe: call it a widow's look.

Q.And what is the benefit of that practice? A.It accomplishes an important saving of steam, or, what is the same thing, of fuel; but it diminishes the power of the engine, while increasing the power of the steam.

Some of the fine houses are left, but the inhabitants are of the poorest, and Miss Howden left her savings to start a Free Kindergarten in the Canongate.

In either case the result is the samethe stockholders lose their savings and cooperation feels the blow.

Every woman who keeps herself in condition is making a war saving.

For a ghastly bankruptcy overwhelmed the Bundeleund Bank, and with its failure went all Colonel Newcome's savings, and all Mrs. Mackenzie's money and her daughter's.

But there was another saving of equal importance, which Mr. Steele calls a saving of time, but which he might with more propriety have called a saving of season.

"We've been putting our little bit o' savings together to buy a schooner, and we want to settle things as soon as possible.

You see, I've got my savings" "Ho! ho!"

Here, from about 4 p.m. till long after sunset, you may see the Shirázi taking his rest, undisturbed save for the ripple of running water, the sighing of the breeze through the branches, and croon of the pigeons overhead.

166 Verbs to Use for the Word  saving