8 Verbs to Use for the Word sayin

"I don't mind sayin'

He's got a pretty way o' sayin' so.

Den I specs to hear a voice sayin', "Poor ole Kizzy, she's done de bes' she kin.

And then I hearn a sharp raspin' voice clost to me sayin': "Sir, I will thank you to onhand my wife!"

I heered the old folks sayin, 'We is free, we is free!'

So then I took to baitin' me breast an' sayin' 'The will o' God be done!'

I do relish the smart sayins, the odd ways of furrin parts, and the sarcastic slaps at folkses weak spots.

I don't want none of 'em comin' to me now an' a-sayin', 'Don't you 'member yo' own cousin?'

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  sayin