138 Verbs to Use for the Word scented

Then Kazan caught the scent, and he saw the shadowy figure coming through the starlight.

Pepper followed, stopping at the doorstep to sniff, suspiciously; and carrying his nose up and down the jambs, as though following a scent.

His fangs gleamed menacingly when the soft air brought a strange scent.

But her enemies got scent of her hiding-place, arrested her, and shut her up in the Castle of Vincennes, whence, after a few weeks at Vaugirard, she was transferred to the Bastille.

Here he stood for a moment, listening to the distant shouts of the seven men as they beat up and down in the thickets like hounds that had lost the scent of the quarry.

No two foxes, nor mice, nor men, nor any other two animals for that matter, ever leave the same scent,any old hound, which will hold steadily to one fox though a dozen others cross or cover his trail, will show you that plainly in a day's hunting,and the wolf would soon know surely that the same fox was poaching every night on his own preserves while he was away.

She gave the warning to Kazan and he, too, found the strange scent in the air.

From the window a cool breath of the night-wind came in, fanning the curtains and carrying with it the sweet scent of the flowers without.

But here, out in the open, it seems a shame not to be up with the birds to breathe the scent of the fields and watch the sun send his heralds ahead of him to proclaim his coming and then climb from the bottomless pit into the sky and take possession of it.

Much quicker than it takes me to record it, the rule or sight vane was run up my long and open sleeve, and I began to pretend to be looking about for stray roots; the intruders were thrown off the scent, and after a while assisted the Saiad in looking for odd roots for the supposed native doctor.

When Mr. Connors moved, he gave off the scent of pomade freely; his slightly thinning brown hair and the pointy tips to a reddish mustache lay sleek with it.

He came upon many trails in the snow that day, and sniffed the scents left by the hoofs of moose and caribou, and the fur-padded feet of a lynx.

They looked in, therefore, and saw that within it was very dark and smoky; they also thought that they heard there a rumbling noise, as of fire, and a cry of some tormented, and they smelled the scent of brimstone.

The hound was trotting to and fro, with his nose to the ground, as if endeavoring to pick out a cold scent Edward laughed at his brother, and pointed to the track of a deer that had come to drink at the river.

They took the scent cheerfully, and with a united and fierce cry they dashed away in pursuit.

Wherever he struck the scent of the big gray cat he was turned into a snarling demon, and his hatred grew day by day, as he became more completely a part of the wild.

The baby enjoys the scent, thanks the kind spirit that put it there, and must let mother smell it too, so from the beginning there is a touch of aesthetic pleasure and a recognition of "what the dear God is saying outside."

He came to the master and offered the mint; and Donnegan, raising it to his face, inhaled the scent deeply.

The dragon from a distance heard The rumbling of the wain, And snuffing every breeze that stirred Across the neighbouring plain, Smelt something human in his power, A welcome scent to him; For he was eager to devour Hot reeking blood, or limb.

Little by little, above the resinous fragrance of the fires rose other scents more delectable to the nostrils of a hungry man, thus, waking from his meditations Beltane turned him wistfully towards where, above the nearest fire, a goodly cooking pot seethed and bubbled invitingly.

[Footnote 8: 'Why do you seek to get the advantage of me, as if you would drive me to betray myself?'Hunters, by sending on the wind their scent to the game, drive it into their toils.]

He still bore the scent of traces, and of man.

The exhalations from ripe fruit, or withering leaves, are proved much to injure the air in which they are confined; and, it is probable, all those vegetables which emit a strong scent may do this in a greater or less degree, from the Rose to the Lobelia; whence the unwholesomeness in living perpetually in such an atmosphere of perfume as some people wear about their hair, or carry in their handkerchiefs.

To their nostrils had come the scent of a deadlier enemy than fire.

I can detect the scent through all the foul smells ranging loose in the air.

138 Verbs to Use for the Word  scented