5 Verbs to Use for the Word scoffer

And with ominous significance, he approached the young scoffer, his hand on an exact level with the latter's ear, his right foot raised to indicate a possible means of enforcing obedience to his commands.

Surely your mother bare you a scoffer and pitiless, Socrates, and not, as you boast, a man-midwife fit for fair youths.

" He clapped his great hand on his thigh with more glee than one would have expected him to feel; for this man posed as a cynica despiser of men, a scoffer at charity.

Adde thereunto that he will greeuously & sharply punish all such scoffers, and prodigall persons which do so much prophane the maiesty and excellency of his name, and that diuinity, which is contayned and expressed in the holy scriptures.

And a sturdy youth with flashing eyes threatened to disembowel with one stroke of his knifelike that!a certain scoffer who maintained that the river would go on rising if only for the pleasure of refuting that charlatan of a friar.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  scoffer