6 Verbs to Use for the Word scrubbings

The passion for cleanliness in the Dutch lies not in their men folk; a Dutch mistress of this manor house had died o' shame long sinceor died o' scrubbing.

" This was on the morning that the Esquimer thought to escape scrubbing, even at the peril of his life, by getting up on to the swing-shelf

Henri finished his scrubbing and his song, and, going down into the kitchen, began preparations for supper.

After a good night's sleep Félix was quite rested from his journey, and was busy the next day in helping garland the Yule log, in giving Ninette and Beppo an extra scrubbing and brushing, and in all the final happy preparations for the great holiday.

Learning to pin back his sailor collar to save soiling the white braid on it (that meant scrubbing).

An hour passed in scrubbing, shaving, cutting hair, holding garments up to the light to look for holes and ascertain their condition, and rummaging among "properties," as the player would term the different wardrobes that were thus brought into view.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  scrubbings