38 Verbs to Use for the Word sence

I deny it: good drinke is full of vice, Drinke takes away the sences, Man that is sencelesse is vitious; Ergo, good drinke is full of vice. Bos.

A stonie coldnesse hath benumbd the sence And livelie spirits of each living wight, And dimd with darknesse their intelligence, 255 Darknesse more than Cymerians daylie night:

How well he speakes, yet in the sence bewraying A sence distracted: sure his captivity, His wounds, & hard entreaty make him franticke!

finaly shuck de debbil loose an he aint bother me much sence, dat is not very much, an dat am a long time ago.

Sing, Syren, sing And swell me with revenge sweet as the straines Falls from the Thrasian lyre; charme each sence With musick of Revenge, let Innocence In softest tunes like the expiring Swann Dy singing her owne Epitaph.

Which pulses the braine, and doth confound the sence, Which makes vs rather beare those euilles we haue, Than flie to others that we know not of.

he wuz des shootin' in de da'k w'en he said dat 'bout de books, but howsomeber, Mars Nick Johnson lef dat naberhood 'twix' de nex' two suns, en nobody roun' dere nebber seed hide ner hair un 'im sence.

And well I may compare him to the Sunne, That but once lookt upon with his fayre shape Hath dazled my poore sences and left me blind.

That Kings have lov'd those that they never saw Is nothing strange, since they have heard their praise; Birds that by painted grapes have bin deceiv'd Had yet some shadow to excuse their error; Pigmalion that did love an Ivory Nimph Had an Idea to delight his sence; The youth that doted on Minerva's picture Had some contentment for his eye; [soft Musique.

"If she'd died sence you've been here we'd a tole you, sartin.

Take her hence, Lest her sight disturb his sence.

She had a pet rabbit, en you cotch' 'im one day, en she's been squarin' up wid you eber sence.

Or else in heaven, that no man may it see With sinfull eyes, for feare it do deflore, Is perfect Beautie, which all men adore; 40 Whose face and feature doth so much excell All mortal sence, that none the same may tell.

Fetch me a day bed, rob the earths perfumes Of all the ravishing sweetes to feast her sence; Pillowes of roses shall beare up her head; O would a thousand springs might grow in one To weave a flowry mantle o're her limbes As she lyes downe.

Enter Underwit. Captaine, gather you the sence of that Letter while I peruse this.

Tige ain't got no likin' fer greasers sence then.

O muffle muffle, good Graccus, do not taint thy sence With sight of these infectious animalles, 'Less reason in thee have the upper hand To governe sence, to see and shun the sight.

Heapes of huge words uphoorded hideously, With horrid sound, though having little sence, They thinke to be chiefe praise of poetry; 555

Mars Jeems went away de day atter we gun 'im de goopher mixtry, en we ain' seed hide ner hair un 'im sence, en co'se we doan know nuffin 'bout w'at 'fec' it had on 'im.' "'I doan keer nuffin 'bout yo' Mars Jeems now; w'at I wants ter know is w'at is be'n gwine on 'mongs' de niggers.

Nowe courtyers flatterye cannot keepe my sence From knowinge what I feele, for I am weake: Tys all my comfort nowe to thynke on thee Who bryngst my captive soule to libertie.

After a somewhat protracted silence, Marthy's gentle voice resumed: "And from that day to this John and me hain't left her sence.

Maria hurried me into poppin' the question, and hurried me into marryin' her, an' she ain't let up on me a minute sence then; but she'll railroad me into heaven the same way, you see if she don't.

He has lost that sence he saies, unless he counterfeits; It wilbe your securitie to see him Safe in the Surgeons hands.

Howbeit, I hope to have truly observed the literal sence & full effect of the history, as the author setteth it forth, which if it may please you to peruse & accept in good part, I shall be greatly emboldened to proceede & publish also the second & third booke, which I am assured will neither be vnpleasant nor vnprofitable to the readers.

He ain't done a thing he'd oughter sence he was born.

38 Verbs to Use for the Word  sence