9 Verbs to Use for the Word settle

Kazan saw the hungry winged creature settle on the bull's shoulder.

Boil barley in water, strain it through a hair-sieve, then put the decoction into clarified sugar brought to a candy height, or the last degree of boiling, then take it off the fire, and let the boiling settle, then pour it upon a marble stone rubb'd with the oil of olives, when it cools and begins to grow hard, cut it into pieces, and rub it into lengths as you please.

To-night I noticed a skua gull settle on an upturned block of ice at the edge of the floe on which several penguins were preparing for rest.

It is impossible to detail the progress of the contest for public favour between these two ill-matched rivals, without noticing at the same time Dryden's quarrel with Rochester, who appears to have played off Settle in opposition to him, as absolutely, and nearly as successfully, as Settle ever played off the literary [literal?]

'Time is past,' and as you speak a dove settles to rest upon a pediment.

Of sister-kin to melancholy Woe, Voluptuous Pleasure comes, and with the birth Of her gay children, (golden Wishes,) lo, Night flies, and sunshine settles on the earth!

When does the load of mud it carries settle?

(He takes the greatcoat off settle and puts it on him) Tell me, James Moynihan, is your father satisfied with the settlement that Maire's making for yourself and Anne

None need settle which of the two rules is the greater, so long as the results coincide: in fact, there is no controversy, no struggle, and also probably no progress.

9 Verbs to Use for the Word  settle