6 Verbs to Use for the Word shekel

After they had drunk, he gave her two rings to hang on her ears weighing two shekels, and as many armlets weighing ten shekels, and asked her whose daughter she was, and if there were any room in her father's house to be lodged.

"This work will bring you many shekels, Gloriana.

If the bird is an orphan, examine the books in the Surrogate's office until you find her father's will; if her papa is still alive and kicking, persuade her to take his bank-book into the back kitchen and there count the shekels.

6) issued a shekel and also a half-shekel.

A Jew of humble parentage was he, By trade a Levite, though of low degree: His pride no higher than the desk aspired, But for the drudgery of priests was hired To read and pray in linen ephod brave, And pick up single shekels from the grave.

And the broker did go into the board, and did act like an insane man, and PHYSKE and divers other persons did retain their shekels.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  shekel