135 Verbs to Use for the Word shield

Prasildo took care to hold the shield over his eyes, that he might avoid seeing the fairy Medusa; and in this manner, guarding his approach, he arrived at the Golden Tree.

It was used either to throw or thrust with, and when it pierced the enemy's shield the iron head was bent, and

Some threw away their shields and seizing hold of those arrayed opposite them either strangled them in their helmets and struck them from the rear, or snatched away their defence in front and delivered a stroke on their breasts.

There you might see the good sailors, the sergeants, and squires sally forth and unload the ships; cast the anchors, haul the ropes, bear out shields and saddles, and land the war-horses and the palfreys.

And all had lances tawny gray, and all on jennets rode, Plumes twixt their ears; adown their flanks the costly housings flowed. Himself upon his gallant steed carries the circling shield, And a new device is blazoned upon its ample field.

"Robert Fitz Erneis fixed his lance, took his shield, and, galloping toward the standard, with his keen-edged sword struck an Englishman who was in front, killed him, and then drawing back his sword, attacked many others, and pushed straight for the standard, trying to beat it down; but the English surrounded it and killed him with their bills.

He had set his shield about his neck, and, certes, showed a stout champion, and a right crafty captain.

rade movement, hung motionlessa great shield in the sky.

320 Then to herselfe she gives her Aegide shield, And steel-hed speare, and morion * on her hedd, Such as she oft is seene in warlicke field: Then sets she forth, how with her weapon dredd

"Well," quoth Sir Ector, "as for that I take no great thought of any Cornish knight, so do thou strike the shield of that knight and call him forth, and let us see of what mettle he is made.

Well then, you'd draw your two-edged sword, an' dress your shield,like Gareth, the Kitchen Knave did,he was always dressing his shield, an' so was Lancelot,an' you'd fight all those dragons, an' kill them, an' cut their heads off.

Security shall spread her shield before thee, And love infold thee with his downy wings.

"The English stood steady to their post, the Normans still moved on; and when they drew near, the English were to be seen stirring to and fro; were going and coming; troops ranging themselves in order; some with their color rising, others turning pale; some making ready their arms, others raising their shields; the brave man rousing himself to fight, the coward trembling at the approach of danger.

For no man may touch my shield without my having to do with him because of the affront he gives me thereby.

You might hear the sound of many trumpets, of bugles, and of horns; and then you might see men ranging themselves in line, lifting their shields, raising their lances, bending their bows, handling their arrows, ready for assault and defence.

Ere Rustem had approached his journey's end, Tús, Gúdarz, Gushwád, met their champion-friend With customary honours; pleased to bring The shield of Persia to the anxious King.

Although our gallant Municipal Blue is never backward in facing danger, yet it might be judicious for him to wear a shield upon his back as well as upon his front, because it is just possible that, in case of a row, his large, heavy boots might be conveying him away in a direction diametrically opposite to the spot at which the shooting was going on.

Both are nature's dictates, and indispensable to the existence of the social state; their design the promotion of mutual welfare; and the means, those natural affections created by the relation of parent and child, and blending them in one by irrepressible affinities; and thus, while exciting each to discharge those offices incidental to the relation, they constitute a shield for mutual protection.

Gawain watched him ride, with lifted sword, as one who deemed to smite the shield.

His mother, Rúdábeh, took leave of him with great sorrow; and the young hero departed from Sístán, consoling himself and his friends, thus: "O'er him who seeks the battle-field, Nobly his prisoned king to free, Heaven will extend its saving shield, And crown his arms with victory.

Many errors had been committed, but much suffering had also been endured; the people, whose whole youth capable of arms had for ten years hardly laid aside shield or sword, might excuse many faults.

When Fitz-Aldhelm saw the magnificent troop of Raymond's cousins and nephews, who had thrown aside all armour save shields, and, mounted on splendid horses, dashed across the plain to display their feats of agility and horsemanship, he muttered to his followers, "This pride I will shortly abate, and these shields I will scatter."

About this time Mochuda's father gave a feast in the king's honour and as the company were at supper the king calling Mochuda before him offered him a shield, sword, javelin, and princely robe, saying: "Take these and be henceforth a knight to me as your father has been."

Now will I offer this victim to the shades of my countrymen, miserably slain;" and putting spurs to his horse, he rushes through a very dense body of the enemy; and first slaying his armour-bearer, who had opposed himself to his attack as he approached, ran the consul through with his lance; the triarii, opposing their shields, kept him off when seeking to despoil him.

The Normans press on the assault, and the English defend their post well; they pierce the hauberks and cleave the shields, receive and return mighty blows.

135 Verbs to Use for the Word  shield