35 Verbs to Use for the Word shin

They upset buckets and benches, so that he might break his shins over them, which he never failed to do.

Talk about your bears, I thought one had me nailed when I fell over that thing 'ker chunk,'" he continued, as he rubbed his shin and screwed his face up as if to conceal his pain.

" Johnson's retorts were fair play under the conditions of the game, as it is fair play to kick an opponent's shins at football.

"I tried to show him how he could get a good snapshot, and now he's as poisonous as a red-necked cobra just because he was silly enough to skin his shins.

I barked my shins, an' when I looked in the store, after seein' nobody was hurt, the molasses was runnin' all over.

The on'y man that said a word was the carman, who was in such a hurry that 'e knocked his bad shin against my foot as 'e went by.

In a moment I brushed against a table, then struck my shin on something which proved to be the leg of a chair lying over-turned on the floor.

But really, that is "un peu fort;" and the mob of spectators might raise a scruple whether our friend the jackdaw upon the throne, and the Dauphin himself, were not grazing the shins of treason.

You remember his falling over it and bruising his shins.

Every body who passed her, turned to look after her; passing their verdict upon her tears, her hurry, and her charming person; till coming to a stand of coaches, a coachman plied her; was accepted; alighted; opened the coach-door in a hurry, seeing her hurry; and in it she stumbled for haste; and, as the fellow believed, hurt her shin with the stumble.'

as I keeps my shins safe, I don't seem to keer 'bout much else.

And why I could not get out the gibberish about the Bonaventure sooner, was because I matched my shin to break a stone, and lost the wager and my breath together.

No icy precipices need be scaled, no giddy gulfs explored, and the only danger which menaces the bold hunter in the mimic stalk, is that which menaces his shins in the broken soda-water bottles and sharp-edged sardine tins with which the summit of Apharwat is strewn.

One of his assailants howled aloud and fell back to nurse a broken shin.

And big Jan stole down the stairs gently and reverently, like a true sailor; and took his diachylum, and went off to plaster his shins.

Her form, face, and hair, possessed the true negro characteristicscurved shins, projecting jaw, retreating forehead, and woolly head.

He hunched up his legs, clasped his hands round his shins, and rested his sharp chin on his bony knees.

He was looking like a wolf on the steppes of Russia which has seen its peasant shin up a high tree.

The wooden door-hinges creaked, and stumbling shins blundered against the benches.

I learned that Old Doc had scorned to make the call, believing that a "nigger" could not suffer from anything but yellow fever or cracked shins.

"What for, then?" "To tackle my shins.

The hem of my nightshirt tickled my shin and my feet grew cold on the carpet; but though I stood ready with my fists clenched I could see no adversary among the friendly shadows, I could hear no sound but the I drumming of the blood against the walls of my head.

Why, cousin, if I may not caress whom I choose and find a pleasure in the way you use me, I am no better than the winter log he buys to toast his shins at!"

He remembered then to protect the honest freedmen who had sent him warningstrode to a fire near a caterer's booth and burned the letter, stared at by the slaves who warmed their shins around the embers.

"Hark ye, mister Gold-coast," muttered the white, bending his head aside in a threatening manner, though he still disdained to turn his eyes on his humble adversary, "if you've no wish to wear your shins parcelled for the next month, gather in the slack of your wit, and have an eye to the manner in which you let it run again.

35 Verbs to Use for the Word  shin