34 Verbs to Use for the Word shynesses

" She turned round, and saw another standing by her, a woman, younger and fairer, and more stately than herself, but of so sweet a countenance that our little Pilgrim felt no shyness, but recognized a friend at once.

" Eveena's curiosity had in nowise overcome her silent shyness.

On April 2, it was noted that she had lost her recently acquired shyness and she no longer made any attempts to avoid me.

So far from using the stimulant, indeed, he never would show how the box was opened, a secret spring existing; and he even manifested or betrayed shyness on the subject of suffering either of his sisters to search for the means of doing so.

She forgot all her shyness, and raised her blue eyes to his.

Like all shy men he could hide his shyness in an exaggerated familiarity.

I was preparedI make the confession very franklyto find a certain shyness and deference about my young friend.

I ignored the shyness of which she seemed unable to divest herself in my presence.

Usually he was shy with a new employer, but this man inspired much too large a sensation in him to include shyness, or any other form of petty self-consciousness.

No one ever usurped her place, quite in front, or intruded upon her either with word or look; for every one learned to know her shyness, and began to feel a personal interest in her, and all wanted the little convent girl to see everything that she possibly could.

Josephine liked him at once; she laid his shyness and brusquerie, which were only the expression of a dominant self- consciousness, to genuine modesty.

They appeared to be formal and reserved towards one another, but they each manifested still more shyness and coldness towards the learned Shuro.

One is seldom annoyed by the persistence of a silent man, for silence often means shyness; therefore it is in our power to curtail his usefulness.

Louisa, as a child, was afflicted with a sensitive, almost morbid shyness and reserve, and an incapacity for enjoying the society of other children whose tastes were uncongenial with her own.

Her elder cousins mortified her by reflections on her size, and abashed her by noticing her shyness; Miss Lee, the governess, wondered at her ignorance; and the maidservants sneered at her clothes.

And, her eagerness at last overpowering her shyness, she looked up anxiously into my face.

For though he may turn up his nose at tourists and reading-parties, and long for contemplative solitude, yet there is a certain pleasure to some people, and often strongest in those who pretend most shyness, in the "digito monstrari, et diceri, hic est:" in taking for granted that everybody has read his poems; that everybody is saying in their hearts, "There goes Mr. Vavasour the distinguished poet.

The Book of Thel allegorically showed the mutual interdependence of all creation, and reprehended the maiden shyness that shrinks from merging its life in the sacrificial union which sustains the whole.

After the first surprise of admiration her father's lodgers ceased to follow the abstracted nymph except with their eyes,partly respecting her spiritual shyness, partly respecting the jealous supervision of the paternal Nott.

Jean, as a little new boy (he was now eleven), was some weeks before he shook off the shyness with which his schoolfellows' loud voices and rough ways and his masters' ponderous gravity had at first overwhelmed him.

In the picture, Krishna is impatiently awaiting her while Radha, urged onward by the friend, pauses for a moment to shed her shyness.

She ascribed his apathy and apparent dislike to female society rather to the neglect or malice of his early tutors than to any natural defect of capacity or perversity of disposition; and often lectured him on his deficiencies, and even on some of his favorite pursuits, which she looked upon as contributing to strengthen his shyness with ladies.

Or more society and wider reading in your early youth might have improved you,might have taken away the shyness and the intrusive individuality which you sometimes feel painfully,might have called out one cannot say what of greater confidence and larger sympathy.

At least he has never lived in my yard before; for when, to test his shyness, I started to raise the window-sash, at the first noise of it he was gone.

While we were trying to thaw the little schoolmarm's shyness, a mouse ran across the floor.

34 Verbs to Use for the Word  shynesses