44 Verbs to Use for the Word sir

" "You do me great honour, learned sir," said Dridrano.

He therefore tied the money up in a handkerchief with so many knots, that he was sure the pastor could never untie them; and gave it to him, saying in jest, 'Now really, reverend sir, you must this time give it all to your worthy spouse.

And Bellew stood staring down at the rug again, till aroused by Baxter's cough: "Pray sir, what are your orders, the car is waiting downstairs?" "Orders?whyerpack your grip, Baxter, I shall take you with me, this time, into Arcadia, Baxter.

You know nothing o' that yet, Bud, but I tell ye, sir, yer sister is put up just right according to my notions.

"If you will please herewith to accept the tender of my most sincere respect and gratitude, you will thereby confer one further obligation, honored sir, on "Your most obedient and humble servant, "SAMUEL WESLEY.

Only t'other day he up an' took me because Job Jagway ('e works for Squire Cassilis, you'll understand sir) because Job Jagway sez as our wheat, (meanin' Miss Anthea's wheat, you'll understand sir) was mouldy; well, the 'Old Adam' up an' took me to that extent, sir, that they 'ad to carry Job Jagway home, arterwards.

AG] Cresses sir to coole.

When introduced into the king's presence, the count, his wife, and children, "with sobs, and sighs, and tears, threw themselves upon their knees before him, and began to cry aloud, 'Most gracious sir, forgive us thy wrath and thy displeasure, for we have done wickedly and pridefully towards thee.'

" "I told you to cut out the 'sir,' didn't I?"

I have told thee that Sigismund has declared his feelings, although he nobly abstained from even asking a return, and I should not have been my mother's child, could I have remained entirely indifferent to so much worth united to a service so great What I have said of our prejudices is, then, rather for your reflection, dearest sir, than for myself.

And vow'd a thousand services to me; to me, regardless of him: But since Fate, that no power can withstand, has taken from me my first, and best love, and to weep away my youth is a mere folly, I will shew you what I determine sir: you shall know all: Call M. Welford there: That Gentleman I mean to make the model of my Fortunes, and in his chast imbraces keep alive the memory of my lost lovely Loveless: he is somewhat like him too.

Two lines ending sir, you.

The procession marched at a brisk pace, and on reaching the kirk-yard style, as each rider dismounted, "Daft Jock" descended from his wooden steed, besmeared with mire and perspiration, exclaiming, "Hech, sirs, had it no been for the fashion o' the thing, I micht as weel hae been on my ain feet.

Pat shied off like a frightened horse, lifting his hat and bowing politely as he stuttered out: "Ex-excuse me s-sir, I thought you was a burrd!" PARTNERSHIP A West Virginia darky, a blacksmith, recently announced a change in his business as follows: "NoticeDe co-pardnership heretofore resisting between me and Mose Skinner is hereby resolved.

"Major Westcote!"he gave Endymion his full title"My dear sir, this is indeedAnd Miss Westcote?" he bowed as he was introduced, "Delightedhonoured!

Nothin' lak hit dese daysno sir.

Sir George started at the words, and stared thoughtfully before him: he was silent so long that the lawyer recalled his attention by gently repeating, 'And the residue, honoured sir?' 'To the Thatched House Society for the relief of small debtors,' Sir George answered, between a sigh and a smile.

You must know, worthy and commendable sir, that I am a man that has seen much, and suffered much, in his Majesty's service.

Long may he live sir, but my business now is If you would please to doe it, and to him too.

Sit with them awhile, and they will gather for you the unfading flowers of joy and lovegood sir!

N.B.Tennyson makes sir

"Dost mark me well, Pardoner?" "Aye, noble sir, verily and in truth do I. So, next time I think on thee thou wilt be a squat man, middle-aged and black-haired.

So, so, so, so, so, so, so; yea, marry sir.

I meane sir for this weapon, but in the imputation laide on him, by them in his meed, hee's vnfellowed.]

To returne alone, you neede not sir, Here is one will beare you company.

44 Verbs to Use for the Word  sir