8 Verbs to Use for the Word sixes

And if I ever throw four sixes, it is when I am tackling some unsuspecting old ass of a watering place echo.

Truely, and commonly are all such fat men: ile tell thee, Gossip, I have buried sixe, I, sixe husbands, but if I should live to have as many more, as I know not what may happen, but sure Ide never have such a fatte man: they be the most unweldey men; that woman shall not want a sore stomack, that's troubled with them I warrant her.

Man found out long sixes.

She had quarters, having been used once as a privateer, and mounted ten sixes.

Before they depart to passe the Sholds, the small shippes and flat bottomed boates goe together in companie, and when they haue sailed sixe and thirtie miles, they arriue at the place where the Sholdes are, and at that place the windes blowe so forciblie, that they are forced to goe thorowe, not hauing any other refuge to saue themselues.

When you are selling four thirty-six-sixes, two of them cords, to a man, you can't be stingy with a barrel of water, even if it does cost fifty cents.

But if they all turn up sixes, you at once suspect that the dice are cogged; and if that be not soif there be no sufficient cause behind the phenomenonyou say that this identical falling-out of six separate possibilities was a remarkable coincidence.

"Does Mr. Leveson dine about half-past six?"

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  sixes