19 Verbs to Use for the Word sixshooters

"No," said Racey with decision, aiming his sixshooter at the word.

"One dollar is my regular price for a bottle," Racey said gently as the bartender's hand suddenly nipped into sight clutching a sixshooter, "but if you want it back, take it.

But her scare did not prevent her from drawing a sixshooter.

Lanpher arose, snarling, to face a levelled sixshooter.

They gave me back my sixshooter, that Ben Creagan had borrowedand it was loaded with blanks.

Ben Creagan passed behind the bar and handed over a sixshooter and a cartridge belt.

Racey, still holding his sixshooter, leaned hipshot against the doorjamb.

Racey promptly holstered his sixshooter.

He stepped forward and kicked the burly youth's discarded sixshooter into the middle of the street.

Racey lowered a cautious hand and loosened his sixshooter in its holster.

Jack Harpe jackknifed his long body out of his chair, which was placed directly in front of an open doorway giving into an inner room, crossed the floor, and placed his sixshooter on the mantel-piece.

"Why, this," replied Chuck, producing a sixshooter so swiftly that McFluke blinked.

When at long last the draw opened before them Racey calmly reached over and removed the saloon-keeper's sixshooter.

Once out of sight of the house of McFluke, Chuck sheathed his sixshooter with a jerk and returned Racey's gun.

Racey Dawson looked at Kansas Casey and shoved his sixshooter down into its holster.

He unlocked the door noisily; he opened it noisily; he took his sixshooter and belt from the wall quietly and closed the door, noisily again; he locked itfrom the outside.

He threw Foy's sixshooter aside; he pulled Foy's wrists behind him and tied them tightly with a handkerchief.

" So speaking he twisted the sixshooter from the old man's grasp and jammed it into the waistband of his own trousers.

He whipped out his sixshooter, held the muzzle close to the end of the fuse and fired.

19 Verbs to Use for the Word  sixshooters