19 Verbs to Use for the Word skein

On one occasion she even went so far as to inveigle him into holding a skein of wool about his clumsy hands, while she wound the violet worsted into a ball, and delicately inquired if he believed Samuel spoke the truth when he had protested that he had never paid court to any other woman.

Can she spin such skeins of yarn as these?

for the ambition of monarchs, who put forward their beardless progeny to do the deeds of men, and to suffer with men's fortitude, when they are more fit to be puling in a nurse's arms, or unravelling silk skeins for some maid of honor.

" There was so much good sense in this reasoning that all three girls were impressed and began to regret that Uncle John had called Fogerty to untangle the skein.

Nay, one God made and rules: He shall unwind The tangled skein; the hidden law disclose, Whereby so many sinned in thought and deed.

He immediately remembered that his mother often told him: 'Theodore, it is of no use to send you to match a skein of silk, for you never bring the right color.'

Ask the examinee to select and pick out from the heap all those skeins which appear to him to be of the same color, whether of lighter or darker shades.

Above the white carved parapet opposite ran skeins of delicate cloud against the soft blue sky.

We cannot nail the dial's hand; We cannot bind the sun By Gibeon to stay and stand, Or the moon o'er Ajalon; We cannot blunt th' abhorred shears, Nor shift the skeins of Fate, Nor say unto the posting years "Ye shall not desolate.

They mentioned his name to him, and he immediately cut short the explanations they were adding, to enable him to straighten out the tangled skein of relationship.

Then Arachne took her skeins of finest silk and began to weave.

The lawyers smiled at each other, and seemed not a little pleased at hearing him so roughly rebuked; for many of them had been more or less annoyed by his skill and ready wit in tangling their skein, in cases where questions of freedom were involved.

Inside, also dressed up in her Sunday best, sat the daughter; she was spinning as if she meant to turn out an entire skein of yarn that very day.

"Three yards more would finish, and now I shall have to go down to the village and buy a whole skein, just for that.

Her tresses once when this was done, Vanished the skein, the needle bare, She dressed with wreaths vermilion Bright as a trumpet's dazzling blare.

I cannot disentangle this skein, Nor wind it rightly upon the reel.

"Just like they will drop a skein of feather-stitching silk and tramp it with their feet till it is very dirty.

Then I went on tiptoe to the kitchen, and found a skein of thread and two needles, and set to work.

She laid down her poor wan cheek on the merciful old book, as on her mother's breast, and gave up all the tangled skein of life into the hands of Infinite Pity.

19 Verbs to Use for the Word  skein