6 Verbs to Use for the Word skinne

"Now," sayd he, "whiles the Lyon sleepeth sound, May we his crowne and mace take from the ground, And eke his skinne, the terror of the wood, Wherewith we may our selves, if we thinke good, 970 Make kings of beasts, and lords of forests all Subiect unto that powre imperiall.

They are brought vpon raftes made of goates skinnes blowne full of winde and bordes layde vpon them: and thereupon they lade their goods which are brought downe to Babylon, which being discharged they open their skinnes and carry them backe by Camels, to serue another time.

The Bramas which be of the kings countrey (for the king is a Brama) haue their legs or bellies, or some part of their body, as they thinke good themselues, made black with certaine things which they haue: they vse to pricke the skinne, and to put on it a kinde of anile or blacking, which doth continue alwayes.

In many places vpon the riuers side we met with troops of Arabians, of whom we bought milke, butter, egges, and lambs, and gaue them in barter, (for they care not for money) glasses, combes, corall, amber, to hang about their armes and necks, and for churned milke we gaue them bread and pomgranat peeles, wherewith they vse to tanne their goats skinnes which they churne withall.

Marry, these are Christian Butchers, who when their Oxen are flead throw their skinnes on their shoulders.

For, as an Asse may weare a Lyons skinne, So noble Earles have sometimes Painters binne.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  skinne