6 Verbs to Use for the Word slouching

"I'd know that slouch of his shoulders anywhere.

But the ugly creature did not walk any faster; he simply looked at me with an air as if he would say that if I kept long upon the road I would learn to take it easy, and maintained the deliberate slouch of his demeanor.

He was lithe and Indian-looking; bearing in dress and manner the careless slouch without the easy frankness of a sailor.

There stood the tools their father had always used in pottering about the garden, above them his old slouch and old straw hats.

"Ain't you heard the dog season's over?" "Well, don't you count on livin' to the next?" The man pushed his slouch over his eyes and scratched the back of his head.

The idea of Michel Pensonneau taking precedence of him as master of the cedar hut was delicious to the American, as he recalled the engagé's respectful slouch while receiving the usual bill of credit.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  slouching