12 Verbs to Use for the Word somersault

At times it looked as if the wagons would turn a somersault and land on the mules.

As he passed us he jumped to the ground, allowed the horse to run to the full length of the lariat, when he threw him a complete somersault.

After one series of attempts from the sides of the cage and from the large box, he deliberately turned away from the box and neatly executed a somersault on the floor of the cage, as much as to say, "I am disgusted with the whole situation."

He had tried the double somersault in the schoolroom that morning.

Poker's audacity had at last outstripped his sagacity, and the next moment he was performing a tremendous somersault.

The combined muscular force acted like a balance-weight of a wheel, and enabled that neat, finished somersault which always brought down the house.

I once saw a really good runner turn three somersaults while nose-driving down a steep slope at high speed in soft snow.

With nerve and precision Andy started a forward somersault at just the right moment.

The martins would be cackling, in any event, and the kingbirds practicing their aerial mock somersaults; and the mocking-bird would be singing, and the redbird whistling.

He gives his opinion the somersault and turns the wrong side of it outwards.

When he leaped, he hurled himself into space with a degree of violence that seemed to insure a somersault; yet he always came down with a crash on his feet.

He could turn as sudden and perfect a somersault as did Mr. DANA, when he transformed the Sun in a single night from a decent daily to what it now is.

12 Verbs to Use for the Word  somersault