6 Verbs to Use for the Word songsters

I forget it in thy singing; Hearing thee, I faint no more,' "While he spoke the bird went winging Higher still, and soared away; 'Cruel songster!' cried the pilgrim, 'Cruel songster not to stay!' "Was the songster cruel?

The description, however, given by Wilson, in his own inimitable manner, as far excels Pennant and Barrington as the bird excels his fellow-songsters.

How soft and sweet it sounds from rills And streams, and feathered songsters in the trees Of Heaven's fruits!e'en all that here doth please The heart of man was there.

He is rather like that detestable and spidery thing the araucaria, which has a wound for every tender hand, and invites no bright-eyed feathered songsters to perch or build among its sinister branches.

But the desire to possess such beautiful songsters led to their being hunted after, until the whole wild race was quite destroyed.

No less than raidin' the police barracks would satisfy the likes o' that songster if he was left at large.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  songsters