5 Verbs to Use for the Word spattering

"It's dreadful to think of going into any house in this condition, Müller," said I, glancing down ruefully at the state of my boots, and having just received a copious spattering of mud all down the left side of my person.

Was it possible that he wore some kind of cloth which shed mud spatters?

Particularly it required imagination to realize that this tower had ever been struck; visually more convincing was a plate elsewhere which had been left unpainted, showing a spatter of dents from shell-fragments.

And truly, we lookt awhile at this huge great fountain and up-boiling, and came nearer unto it; but yet to be a large space off, because of the way that it did throw out a spattering of small stones odd whiles.

The young man removed his coat, uncovering a small spatter of blood on a shirt-sleeve.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  spattering