5 Verbs to Use for the Word squar

If you don't play squar', I knows how t' make ye." "Spin your yarn," repeated the stranger quietly.

Got a fall from my donkey this morning," he said, noticing a quizzical, interrogating look upon the face before him, "and fell squar' on the hat."

one night arter some ob our pore people had been killed, an' some ob our women had run'd away 'bout seventeen miles, my gran'son, looking me squar in de face, said: 'Ain't you got five fingers?

Why there's risin' two thousand dollars due on this 'ere farm, and if the deacon don't scratch for it and pay up squar to the minit, old Squire Norcross'll foreclose on him.

If ther boys tied them mules squar, they hain't made nothin' out 'er us, that's sartain.

5 Verbs to Use for the Word  squar