27 Verbs to Use for the Word stabbing

But their malice was chiefly aimed against father Paul, who soon found the effects of it; for, as he was going one night to his convent, about six months after the accommodation, he was attacked by five ruffians, armed with stilettoes, who gave him no less than fifteen stabs, three of which wounded him in such a manner, that he was left for dead.

I felt a sharp stab, followed instantly by a stinging sensation all along the bridge of the nose.

At receiving this stab, the great fish appeared to feel no hurt for it showed no signs of pain, and, at that, the bo'sun was further emboldened to go nearer, so that he might deliver a more deadly wound; yet scarce had he taken two steps before the hideous thing was upon him, and, but for an agility wonderful in so great a man, he had been destroyed.

Thomas then inflicted some other stabs, of which White died in a few minutes.

A light of windy sunset lay spread over the white valley, and the freshening gusts drove the powdery snow before them, and sent little stabs of pain through John's shrinking body.

Those lines were already evident which, when first noted, bring a stab of surprised pain to the breast of a childthe droop of the mouth, the wrinkling of the temples, the patient weariness of the eyes.

That though life's blade be terrible as steel, My soul is stript and naked to the fang, I crave the stab of beauty and the pang.

And to dare The stab from him it touches.

Yesif he could grab the leader's knife and deal three such stabs as the Sheikh dealt the lion, at these three, he could die content.

He dreaded stabbing and poison; and one day, in some paroxysm of rage or horror, how occasioned it is not known, ran with a knife or dagger at one of the servants of the Duchess of Urbino in her own chamber.

Stretching his limbs, and gasping in his groans, Then, Julio, set to thy helping hand, Redouble stroke on stroke, and drive the stab Down deeper to his heart, to rid his soul.

When the third was burned down to a very short stub he pinched out the fire, dropped the stab to the dirt floor and deliberately set his foot upon it, grinding it into the damp soil.

If brought to the test, I should probably act rather as I think than as I feel, without, however, being able to escape the stab of an instant compunction and the secret wound of a long humiliation.

The teeth of the white man were like a vice, and he at length succeeded in giving his savage foe a stab in the side.

Unless he was left-handed the stab could scarcely have been self-given.

What's in this cupboard?" "Just clothes," I said, having another stab at the nonchalant, though extremely dubious as to whether it would come off.

Words heal the stab your soft white hands have made, Or stir the burthen on my bosom laid?

And who has not known that stab of pain, that awful darkness of the spirit, which came upon her as, instantly, she knew that he was not there?

She had reached the door, when, not content with the merciless outrage on her heart already inflicted, under the instigation of the demon working within me, I prepared another stab.

Not until it was gone did the girl realise to the full what she had done, realise the mortal stab she had inflicted; then of a sudden came realisation in a gust and contrition unspeakable.

Sometimes the merest cleaning up of the inferior surface of the foot then reveals a distinct stab either in the sole or the frog.

When Mabel had finished with me at last I stuck a needle into him, and he laughed, accepting the stab as a compliment.

I now determined to try the experiment, and had again recourse to my knife, with which I struck the largest in the back of the neck, near the shoulders, but under great apprehensions, not doubting but the creature would, if he survived the stab, tear me to pieces.

Only a fool would attempt a heart-stab with such a dagger, as it would shatter on the ribs, leaving the fool to pay for his folly.

The Colonel was the first to drop his eyes; but the other, pitilessly, like a judge arraigning a felon, his steady scrutiny never flinching: "Do you want that kind of a man round, Colonel?" The Kentuckian turned quickly as if to avoid the stab of the other's eye, and sat hunched together, elbows on knees, head in hands.

27 Verbs to Use for the Word  stabbing